DK West x Reader Lemon

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-----WARNING: THIS PART CONTAINS SOME FREAKY STUFF!!-----Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well today. This time we are bringing some more love for DK West, but in a different way if you know what I mean. This oneshot was requested by the lovely ExoticMisfortune! I have nothing else to say so, I hope you enjoy reading this!


(Y/N)'s POV


It was a normal, sort of peaceful night, the music playing outside my closed window could still be heard from inside my home, albeit muffled. I was sitting in my near to pitch-black living room, all huddled up in a blanket with a book propped up and open on my legs in front of me. Blowing carefully on my book from right to left as a lazy but cool trick to flip the page of my book, and despite the music playing outside at the moment harboring high energy, it was soothing background noise when it was suppressed; it works for the most part when you don't have a fireplace.

My train of focused reading was interrupted when I heard a faint tap on my window, causing me to look at the see-through pane to see who or what caught my attention, however, I didn't see anything. I shrugged my shoulders, turning my gaze back forward to continue reading my book, letting out a small huff as I forgot where I left off before I just decided to restart the whole page again.

Tap, tap...Tap-tap-tap.

I looked up at the windowpane again, an annoyed look on my face even though I was only distracted twice from my reading, however that expression didn't stay there for long as my eyes widened to see a beautiful sight. The slow descent of snowflakes from the sky, it was only near the beginning of winter but to get snowflakes, possibly even snow too, this early made me feel excited. Sure I was in my late twenties now but my inner child comes out every time I see snow, even if it were just mere snowflakes, the thoughts that flood into my mind that make me reminisce on the times I played in the snow with my family when I was a little girl; building snowmen, making snow angels in the snow, having snowball fights, and sledding.

A small smile graced my lips, those were fun times indeed, while I do wish to make those kinds of memories again it isn't as much fun when you're alone, and I don't have the joy of doing such activities cause I don't have kids of my own. My smile turned into a frown, that question, do I want to have kids or do I not? I've gone back and forth on my decision on that question, there would be times where I would be confident in my idea that I want kids, but then there would be other times where I was hesitant and doubted myself that I wouldn't be a good mother.

I live in an apartment which doesn't sound all that bad but it has only room for one or two people to live here comfortably, not even a small family of three unless that third person you counted is your pet. I have a boyfriend, his name being DK West, or as I like to call him teddy bear as he was the perfect cuddle buddy due to his big build, whenever I call him by that nickname it always makes him chuckle. I chuckle myself, imagining myself being lazy in bed, calling for him for cuddles with that nickname, hearing the faint, adorable chuckle of his before he comes into the bedroom.

We have been together for nearly 6 months now and I'd say our relationship is moving smoothly, he's pretty chill about everything, although he teases me a lot, and he doesn't push me to go any further into the relationship, giving me space, encouragement, and love when I need it. Well the love part he gives no matter what mood I'm in if I'm angry he'll shoot me with cheesy and clever pick-up lines, if I'm sad then he would whisper sweet nothings in my ear. 

I wonder...has he ever experienced snow? Or even tried to catch a snowflake on his tongue? These two thoughts circled my mind, unconsciously ignoring the opening and closing of my apartment door,

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