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Uploaded: November 6th, 2020

0:00 - 0:16: Intro

0:16 - 1:22: Seongmin is on the school rooftop flying a drone. He hears someone coming up the stairs and runs to hide as the rooftop is prohibited for students (or he's skipping class). Minhee walks out the rooftop door and continues counting his steps. He notices the drone flying as Seongmin tries to steer it back towards himself. Woobin enters the rooftop and Minhee runs to hide as well, covering Seongmin's mouth to make sure he doesn't make any noise. Woobin walks by them and notices them immediately. He asks them what they're doing. Woobin hears footsteps and runs to join them in hiding. A teacher walks out on the rooftop checking for students and leaves again after seeing no one. As soon as the door closed, the three boys started laughing. And that's how they met. It is confirmed that this day is August 7, 2020 by a @the_hidden_universe post.

1:22 - 1:27: Outro

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