[ENG] Student Profile: TAEYOUNG

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1. Personal Records

Student 08
Name: Kim Tae Young
Age: 2002
School year: 3

2. Remarks

"Hey! You seem like a person who lives only for today!"

My homeroom teacher laughs and claps his tongue when he sees me. The teacher does this difficult where I can't tell if it is a compliment or a diss. I don't intend to deny his My Way lifestyle, but that doesn't mean I'm acting sloppy on purpose. Why should I take an English teacher's class that ignores my personality due to a hatred of poverty? I was cool in class again today, apparently. My friends praise me for being cool, but I didn't mean to be cool. I'm not interested in popularity. I just want to be able to keep having fun normally and study normally.

When I entered my second year in high school, the number of people around me increased. "Taeyoung, you're good at basketball, so do you want to go to a sports university later?" Hmm. I don't know. Liking sports is different from wanting to be an athlete. Someone asks me, "Taeyoung, you have excellent problem-solving skills. Why don't you go to science and engineering?" Hmm. I still don't know. I like to solve problems, but I don't want to learn it academically. I didn't think much of it. I'm only a sophomore now. Sooner or later, I'll know what I want to do, what? But in the meantime, the seasons changed twice.

A peaceful day. I try to pass by quietly, but today I can see something unpleasant in the scenery. Four bullies from Class 4 are bullying a kid who's somewhat of a pushover. They think they're so great when they're together, but in reality, they can't do anything by themselves. At that moment, clap! One of the boys slaps the kid. Wow, isn't this crazy? Although I'm not a character who burns with justice, I can't let this go.

"What are you guys doing?"

I go to say something. "Just keep on going on your way." Wow, where did you learn such cliche lines? When you see a kid whose face is hot after being slapped first, you become the next target. They quickly swing at me with their fists. It hurts. Blood forms at the end of my lips. Well, since you guys hit me first, you should know that I'm a give-and-take kind of guy.

When the situation ended, their parents flocked to the teacher's office and went crazy. One person went to the emergency room because his front teeth were broken. He broke them because he fell while he missed me with his kick, but his parents are shouting at me to take responsibility. "There is no agreement at all, do you know who I am?" Hmm. I've heard this line a lot in dramas. To make matters worse, the gang at the scene is lying in unison that I started the fight. Crazy. It was self-defense, I never punched first.

"I didn't do anything wrong. I have nothing to apologize for."

My homeroom teacher, who was watching the situation, drags me to the corner. Unlike his usual expression, he has a frustratingly distorted face.

"Do you know what will happen if you get an assault charge? You have to know how to bend sometimes! You must have a dream, too!"

I'm speechless by those unexpected words. Maybe I'm only confident because I don't have a future I dream of. It doesn't matter if I get caught because it won't ruin my future.

The season has changed once again. The fight case was concluded after a proper agreement. I'm grateful to my friends who testified that I wouldn't hit anyone for no reason. I think I've lived quite well. Still, what about the future? Will I be able to live well in the future? Suddenly, the blank vision of what my dream should be, began to bother me. Is it okay to live like this? Will I have a dream in the upcoming senior year of high school? What the hell do I like? It is exceptionally foggy today. It's like my future that can't be drawn.

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