Chapter 17

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(Please play the music now. Also warning, there will be the use of a few swear words in this chapter. If you don't like them, skip past them and ignore them)

"I was born in the June of 1980. You were born 9 months previously."

"N-n-no," Hallie stood back from him. "I still have memories of my father when I was little! He couldn't be."

"They were implanted there," he said heartlessly. "To make the lie more true."

"My father's death?"

"Luke Blackwell died when Lara was a baby. Before your mum was even pregnant with you."

"When my father met your mother at the party your grand father (MAKE SENSE) and my dad was engaged to be married to Narcissa, who is my mother," he continued, as if he had planned how he was going to tell Hallie the story. "They fell in love, but when he found out my mother was pregnant, he cut all ties with the three of you and placed a memory charm on your mother."

"And what about you then?" Hallie began softly. "Did that mean you wanted to abandon me too?"

"Father told me that halfbloods and muggleborns are filthy in this world. He made a mistake with your mother, he loves mine a lot. I just didn't know—"

"How to tell me?" she blinked quickly, to avoid the tears. "Your father made a decision, but you didn't have to go through with what he had done!"

"You don't know what it's like," he began."You live a day in my life."

"I don't give a shit Malfoy," Hallie said coarsely. "I'm past having any type of sympathy for you. Every single decision you make you tie it back to your father. How about taking your own responsibility?"

"Don't you lecture me about responsibility—"

"You cruel bastard," the fierceness in her voice began to waver now that she was very close to tears. "Do you have any idea what it's like to live in the muggle world and wonder what is wrong with you? Why you aren't normal?"

Draco looked up at Hallie, it spoke a thousand words. He looked at what could've been between him and his half sister, but he didn't think about it for more than a second.

"Get out," she said to him, without analysing his facial expression. He left abruptly and closed the door behind him. Hallie locked it and sunk to the floor.

It was not as simple as she had thought. The truth was far more serious than she had realised. Why could someone keep something so unbelievably serious from her? Hallie understood what it meant to have your reputation on the line, but this was too far. It revealed a lot about who Lucius was as a man. Someone so completely monster like and cruel. Completely devoid of thinking about other people. Was it revenge? Hallie thought , but then she realised:

She had done nothing wrong to deserve this.

Around an hour passed from when Malfoy had burdened her with the news of her loving father. She tried to stand up, but the weight of her crippling thoughts corrupted her. As she turned around, she discovered a single mirror standing alone in the room. She walked over to it, examining her reflection. Even though she looked exactly the same as she had done for these past few months, somehow she was different, and she didn't know who she was in that moment.

The only thing Hallie could manage to do was open the door with her wand, and find her sister. She ran to the owlery, and because it was the evening, she was glad no one saw her in the state she was in. As soon as she had made it there, she called her owl down.

"Please find Lara and give her this."

The letter disclosed told Lara to meet Hallie by the fountain; a place where she knew nobody would be.
By the time Hallie had walked there, Lara was waiting for her. She looked frantic and panicked as she was greeted with Hallie's gormless expression.

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