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19 years later

Hallie Blackwell, now 37 years young, walked through the streets of London with a thick book in her hands. Her facial expression was adamant and hopeful as she walked past the colourful shops. Some were very small and sold sentimental things like jewellery and watches and photo frames, other were large supermarkets that sold perishable items. Hallie had to admit, she admired the cobbled ground and how it clicked against her boots. Finally, after walking for around 10 minutes, she found a shop named Harietta publishing.

"Hello?" Hallie said. The shop was very empty, but filled with tall bookshelves which contained lots of well loved books. The wooden floor creaked, most likely from the amount of customers that had walked in here through the years. Hallie's attentive eye also found a small crystal stag perched on top of another wooden teacher's desk. It reminded her of a patronus she had spotted long ago...

"Ah," an old woman said, walking in with a bun resembling that of Professor McGonagall's. She was wearing a plain pair of black trousers and a yellow jumper. The woman had gentle grey hairs peering through her jet black hair.

"You must be Miss Blackwell then?"

"It's actually Mrs Weasley," Hallie said, looking down at the simple gold ring with a garnet in the middle on her finger. "Blackwell was my maiden name."

"Oh very nice," the old woman smiled. "Maiden name. My my, I don't think I've heard that phrase in a long time."

Hallie gave a gentle smirk to indicate that she appreciated the woman's kind tenure. "15 years I've had this last name."

"Do you have any children?"

Before she could answer, one young boy and one girl walked through the door. The boy, who was 11 years of age, had dirty blonde hair much like his mother. His name was Levi, and his eyes were hopeful and brown, tinted with light specs of golden honey. He was wearing a simple striped t-shirt with a pair of jeans that Hallie had ironed this morning. The girl, who had her fiery ginger hair pulled back into braids, also wore a pair of jeans but with a turtleneck jumper. She was a year older than her brother, and her name was Hera.

"Sorry Hals, they were just too excited," George laughed, with his face as fresh as it had been whenever he was 20. "Freddy told them to run as far as they could away from the joke shop and go and find their mum."

"These two are growing up to be right pranksters," Fred smirked as he walked into the shop, holding two bags of groceries.

"Yeah, and you'll never let me forget it," Hallie rolled her eyes, causing Hera and Levi to laugh.

"I can't let you forget it, given how bad your memory is."

"I do not have a bad memory, thank you very much!"

"Seems like forever ago you got an outstanding on your NEWT level potions exam."

"Mummy, I hope I do as well in my studies!" Hera beamed.

"You will, sweetheart."

"Mum, do you think I will meet uncle Freddy and dad the same way you did?" The young boy asked, smiling brightly.

"Well, fate works in strange ways," Hallie said, smiling at George.

"Good thing we hid your glasses that day," George winked.

"Uncanny how you need them now for reading?" Hallie joked, appreciating how she had got some type of karma.

"Tell me dear," the lady smiled, what is your story about?"

"Well," Hallie began, "it's a story about a girl who realises that she has a powerful source of magic called light magic. Amara, a Greek ancestor, faced an elements test thousands of years ago and since then, someone is chosen to carry on the legacy. It skips a generation often, and that's why this girl was given these powers."

"Wonderful," the lady smiled. "And the name?"

Hallie looked at Fred and George and smiled. It wasn't just any story at all, it was theirs.

"Of the story?" George asked.

"Yes," the lady nodded.

Hallie held George's hand and continued to smile at him. Once more, she flicked her eyes across to the lady who was getting her pen on the paper ready. Only George saw a single tear trickle down her face. Not one of sadness, like it had been during the time of the second Wizarding war, but finally of hope and of happiness. Fred saw it too, and knew exactly what this tear meant.

"You lost in a memory there, love?" The woman asked, laughing gently.

"Hals tends to have that habit," Fred winked. "Don't be too long, or Angelina will kill me."

"Sorry," Hallie smiled down at her children and laughing at Fred's comment.

"Peculiar things they are, they come at weird times," she shook her head. "Although, not as often for me."

Hallie gave one last laugh.

"So the name then?" She repeated.


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