Chapter 26

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December 1978

"I feel like I've met you before," Gracie smiled at Lucius as they watched the stars.

It had been a few days since the day of the party. Lucius had brought her over to the wizarding world. Gracie still didn't know about the death of her father, who had been killed by Lucius just a few days earlier.

"Really?" He questioned in his silky voice. "When people get to know me, they tend to run away."

"And why is that?"

"The power always acts as a deterrent."

"I believe power is much more easier to acquire than it is to hold on to," Gracie nodded.  "My dad told me that."

Lucius felt a guilty tinge at this mention of him.

"Tell me, Gracie, did your dad possess anything worth anything?"

"And why do you ask?" She said suspicious.

"Well I want to see what type of man he is," he admitted. "From what I can see he is a great one."

"Thank you," she nodded. "A simple triangular rock was one of his prized possessions."

"What did it do?"

"He never told me," she shrugged her shoulders. "As you can see I'm not the most magical person in the world."

"Could you braid my hair for me?" Hermione asked as they sat in the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Yeah," she nodded. "No problem."

As she split Hermione's hair into two different parts, she stood and thought about the lessons she had today. Muggle studies first period, then charms. Hallie couldn't wait until all of the exams were over. She was looking forward to the summer. It was a hard thing trying to heal while still being around the people who caused the hurt.

"What are you thinking about?" Hermione asked, looking up from her book.

"Nothing much," she said, not wanting to burden Hermione with the many thoughts that were going on in her head.

"I know you," Hermione replied gently. "You're the type of person who smiles even when something is wrong."

Hallie didn't answer, choosing to concentrate on the sectioning of Hermione's hair to make sure that the plaits were tight and neat.

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?" Hallie questioned, wishing she would just change the subject already.

"Smile when things around you are—well—not so great."

"If I cry," she admitted. "I don't think I'd ever stop."

"Oh Hallie—" Hermione began to say in a sympathetic tone.

"No please," Hallie said, not wanting the Molly cuddling. "This is my way to get over it. If I don't constantly wear my emotions on my sleeve, maybe I'll accept what has happened."

"Okay," she agreed, which surprised Hallie. Hermione normally tried to create an answer for absolutely everything.

"Thanks," Hallie smiled.

"It's okay," she replied in a kind tone.

"There you're all done," Hallie said, lifting a mirror from her bed and giving it to Hermione.

"Perfect!" She squealed with excitement. "You're so good with hair."

Hallie smiled at her, then looked at her droopy ponytail in the mirror. Her pale face made her look a little bit sick. Hallie frowned.

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