Chapter 52

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Malfoy manor - 2 months ago

"Lucius, did you have an affair 18 years ago?" Narcissa demanded. "How could you have done this to me?"

"It's not as it seems."

"Well you better hurry up and explain! This really is the icing on the cake. How many more lies and secrets are you going to keep from me? I can't go through with this anymore!"

"It was a prophecy, Narcissa."


"A prophecy. For the Dark Lord, I didn't truly love the mother. His rein was at threat."

"What did you do to that poor woman?"

"I gave her a love potion," Lucius began. "Gracie, the mother of Hallie.  I needed her to fall in love with me."

"Was my love not enough for you?" Narcissa demanded. "You've abandoned me for months in this lonely big house that I don't even like—"

"No it was nothing to do with love," Lucius pleaded. "I offered to take on the prophecy. It's got something to do with Hallie's grandfather you see. She was part of a prophecy."

"How long ago was this?"

"18 years ago," he stated, looking down at his shoes.

"And why is this dirt only being dragged up now?"

"The girl figured out that I was her father."

"Oh Lucius," Narcissa put her hand over her mouth.  "She didn't remember this happened at all?"

"Memory charm," he claimed.

"So you fathered this poor girl and then abandoned her all for the Dark Lord?" Narcissa stated, in shock.

"How did you find this out?" Lucius demanded.

"The girl gave me her memories," Narcissa stated. "Well, Effy handed me a vial with them in it. The memory of your argument."

"She's going to pay," Lucius lifted out his wand.

"No don't do anything," Narcissa shook her head. "Not yet anyway."

The great hall was filled with an atmosphere that conveyed both tension and silence. A lot of people sat quietly due to how apprehensive they were feeling about the quidditch game. Hallie couldn't understand why that was the only thing they were nervous about, it wasn't like Voldemort was back or anything...

"Well at least it's Saturday," Hallie said to Dean Thomas as she sat near him. "No classes until Monday."

"Yeah," he said nervously.

Hallie's eyes shifted over to the Hufflepuff table, where she saw Justin laughing with Susan. She couldn't help but feel guilty at what had happened between both of them. She constantly wondered when the right time would be to speak to him.

"Look everyone, Ron's got a howler!" Parvati Patil shouted.

Hallie looked over at the other side of the Gryffindor table to see that same weary look he had back whenever he was second year. Then, it was about his father's Ford anglia. Now, Hallie had no idea what it could be about. Although, she may have had an idea about who it was from...

"RONALD WEASLEY, yep that got your attention didn't it? Well just a few things I'd like to say."



The letter ripped itself up into pieces as hundreds of people began to stare at him. Some laughed, others began to chat very loudly about what they had just heard. It had definitely reinvigorated the amount of talking in the hall. Hallie couldn't help but suppress a giggle as she thought about the howler. Fred's voice, which had been nice to hear, certainly made her feel a lot better than she had before.

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