Chapter 64

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Malfoy Manor, two weeks ago.

"The day is almost here, Lucius," Narcissa stated, pacing beside the fire place. "What if this tears him apart?"

"You know what Severus said he'd do for us, Narcissa," Lucius reminded his wife. "He'd take the task on himself."

"Our poor boy is ill, Lucius!" Narcissa said desperately.

"He's not ill. He's only sick with worry. Do you know what this could do for the status of our family? It would be monumental! We'd be working towards a better relationship and future with the Dark Lord."

"Everything okay?" Andromeda asked, carrying in a plate of tea. Her hair was tied back into a short ponytail and her earrings, long and dangly, matched perfectly with the black colour. "I brought some tea in, thought we could need some."

"Narcissa is worrying about Draco again," Lucius stood up, taking in the heat of the fire on his cold skin. "Snape's already made an unbreakable vow to protect Draco. I don't understand why she is worrying."

"A mother's love for her son is hard to understand at times if you aren't in that specific position," Andromeda stated, watching Narcissa as she became close to tears. "What would make you feel better, Cissa?"

"To know our son is safe from making these decisions at 16 years of age."

"I'll pledge my support for you and your family," Andromeda stated seriously.

"What?" Lucius questioned.

"If it means that your worries are put to rest, I will make an unbreakable vow with you to protect your family," Andromeda agreed.

"You'd do that?" Narcissa questioned.

"I know I can't make up the lost time from all of those years ago, Cissa, but I can at least start now."

Narcissa gasped in shock. "Oh sissy, would you truly do that for us?"

"Of course," Andromeda nodded. "The Malfoy family safety is my utmost concern. Lucius, we must do this as soon as possible."

"How about now?" Lucius questioned.

"Now?" Narcissa inputted.

"Yes," he nodded. "Then we can get to discussing how Andromeda can keep this family safe."

"Okay, students if you could all turn your papers in as you walk out of the hall, and please make sure that your candidate name and number has been marked corrected in the front," the invigilator stated clearly at the front of the classroom.

"Thank god that exam is over," a boy said to Hallie as he walked past. "Crazy to think graduation is in a few weeks, aye?"

"She's only a sixth year, Timothee," Lara laughed, nudging her sister's elbow. "This smarty pants got to do her potions exam a year early."

"Wow really?" His mousy brown eyebrows raised and his blue eyes became more alert. "Good luck, I'm glad to be leaving here to be honest."

"I can see why," Hallie agreed. "What do you plan on doing afterwards?"

"Haven't a clue to be honest," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Tim and I are just going to get some hot chocolate before our Herbology exam, you want to come with?" Lara asked kindly.

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