I apologize to my friend, saying I which I could tell her more but just can't. She gives me a small smile, before seeing it drop back to her stoic expression.

I give Annie a playful pat, before ruffling up her hair the best I could. I send her one last goofy smile, waving off.

"See you when the plan plays into motion, Leonhart."


I can't help but rub the back of my neck, I just felt a little sore today.

I don't dislike council meetings and such but I also don't favor them either. I would make some lame excuse as to why I can't join Historia for her meetings, usually using Eren and Levi as a way out.

But the two had left, with Hanji tagging along to visit Commandant Keith for some questioning about Eren's dad.

So, to get the gist. I had no way out.

And it's not like I'm avoiding her or anything! It's just...I don't understand anything their saying, majority of the time.

I mean, I can listen in and use my brain to come up with clever and intelligent tactics and strategies, I've done it before. I look smarter than I look, I just don't have the motivation to show the world my mental strength.

I just sit about, having the expression and body language that I'm listening. While I'm thinking about how people with only thirteen years to live have kids?

This question doesn't imply to my dad, obviously; he had me. But, did my uncle have a kid? And if he did, why didn't he just have his kid eat him? It sounds weird for how I word it, but you know what I mean...right?

It's about that time I start thinking about it, not the whole kid thing! But, how am I suppose to pass my powers down the bloodline? The titan ability I inherit is a family thing, it's always been in the family for generations. Getting flashbacks of pervious users, the ones I've seen so far.

Each holder had at least a child of their own, a niece or a nephew to uphold the family's power. So, I count as the second option; right?

Now I feel like stress just shortened my life span even more! It makes my head throb in frustration. Now I know the stress my dad felt, you want to live a life with someone special and grow old with them, right?

But you can't, specially if you're a shifter. Your life's shorter than the average human's, now you feel rushed to try and experience everything that everyone had a whole life to see first-hand.

People could live though their trails and errors, see their mistakes. I couldn't, I had to plan what to do and think further into the future. I can't live long enough to start a family, even if I really desired that.

The world is often grim, is it not?

Shit, I'm scared to start a relationship because I won't live long enough to put a goddamn ring on it! Do you get what I'm laying down?! I'm panicking and particularly yelling at myself.

Anyways, the meeting's irrelevant because I wasn't really paying attention. All you need to know was that it involved royal political subjects, and me growling at some boy; yes, I'm aware he's a grown man, but do I look like I give a shit? He wasn't a man in my eyes for how immature he was acting.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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