Chapter 9

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I woke up to alarm clock again I got up took a shower and changed into my normal clothes since I was not on duty today I'm wearing a black long sleeve shirt with some black pants and brown boots I went to the cafeteria just to eat soup and bread,I wanted to walk around town with Annie but she is on patrol duty I sighed as I walked around town alone kicking rocks just being bored with life I saw kids run pass me happy having fun I remembered that when I was young but those old days are gone.

I smiled a little bit then went back to my normal face which is not smiling someone wasn't looking and ran into me the person that ran into me fell,I raised an brow once I saw Sasha holding bottles of booze and meat of course on the ground "Hey you good potato girl?"I asked holding a hand out for her Sash looked up at me and smiled "Yeah thanks oh! By the way would you like to drink with the group?"Sasha asked I thought about for a second "Yeah sure I have nothing else to do and I will try to convince Annie to come"I said before Sasha could say anything about Annie Sasha smiled at me and ran pass me I sighed and continued my morning walk.

I walked up behind Annie scaring her "Boo"I said in my dry cracking raspy morning voice Annie jumped and swung her arm hitting the bridge of my nose I held my nose good thing she didn't break it Annie turned around and calmed down seeing me "That's your fault you scared me and I hit you"Annie said I looked up at her "Yeah yeah I know by the way potato girl asked if you want to go drinking with the group?"I ask Annie sighs "Really they going to get drunk what such idiots I guess I could go so the MP soldiers don't get them in trouble"Annie said I nod my head "Well looks like I'm going too"I said Annie did the same thing as me nod her head.

It is nighttime supposedly the scouts are celebrating so Hanji wanted me to come we are sitting at a bar having food and drinks order the girls sat at one table while the boys sat at another,I sat between Annie and Christa I was in the middle Reiner was laughing about it because of the heights I flipped him off people were ordering drinks and food the drinks were getting here first so a lot of people were on the edge of getting sober up.I didn't order any drinks just water I took a sip from my cup then I felt someone's body weight land on my arm,I looked down to see Christa a looking a little sober up "Hey you shouldn't drink the food isn't even here yet"I said Christa looked up at me I swear to god I saw a flash of lust in her eyes but then disappeared.

I got shivers down my spine and I mean not the good kind of shivers the food got here which is good cause I distract myself with the food not talking to anyone about what just happened,I felt someone tap my shoulder which caused me to choke on my food I stopped choking after chugging down my cup of water I looked to the side to see Annie confused "The hell is wrong with you? You just suddenly jumped when I touched you like I raped you or something?"Annie said I sighed "It's nothing I just scared that's all"I said giving a smile Annie wasn't convinced but didn't push it like a good friend she is.

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