Chapter 14

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3 months later Johnnys pov

It was crazy. Things had really really blow up since hostage was released. We never expected it. There was people attacking us on the streets, the paparazzi was always on us and they keep putting us on every magazine cover. But I'm not sure if I like it, neither is y/n, I mean we love acting the art of it and doing movies and all that but the fame is a lot. We don't really get to have a normal life anymore. Which is good for our career but kind of weird for our normal life. I had been labeled as some "teen idol, heartthrob, rebel guy" which I wasn't loving but it is was it is. As for me and y/n, well we're in love I don't know what else to say although it was really hard for us to get privacy if we weren't enclosed in our apartment which we now shared but we were considering moving some time soon since we have a good amount of money and it's kind of small where we live but well that's besides the point, I was nervous yet super excited because today is September 29th and you know what that means tomorrow is me and y/n's 1 year anniversary i can still remember how nervous I was when I first told her I loved her I still feel those butterflies when I see her probably even strongly but anyway it was tomorrow and I've been trying to plan something super romantic cause we're pretty cheesy people but I'm not sure was to do and it's already 8pm.I was thinking of taking her to a fancy restaurant or maybe renting it out so we could finally get a little privacy around here but we don't really like going to fancy places we're more of a "having a bunch of random romantic dates in the middle of nowhere" kind of couple, but I loved that. Plus we needed to go somewhere where there isn't really any people so we could be out alone for at least a little bit cause I truly missed it. Ooo I know! We could go to the park with the little pond where we first hung out on our own I knew I was in love with her since then but we hadn't know each other for that long so I didn't say anything. Okay so that was my official plan. I would take her there which was a good place since it's a huge empty sort of grass park and no one really goes there and we'll walk around with the little lights so we could have a little picnic by there and later we can go home to the apartment and I'll have a fancy a little dessert restaurant prepared for her. Oh shit it's 9 already! I have to go pick up y/n she was currently on set of a new movie she was filming which had an amazing script. I'm also working on a new movie but we don't start filming till next week. She told me to pick her up at around 9:20 and it was like 35 minutes away so I had to get going.
Y/n's pov
I had just wrapped up shooting for the day on my new set, it was going really good for my career but it's really crazy which I don't really love exactly but I love acting so it's all good. We got out a bit early and everyone had left already so it was only me left here waiting for Johnny who I asked to try and get here a little early but Johnnys always late so what did I expect. "Oh no" I said to myself when I felt it was starting to rain but there was no roof. Shit. I tried to cover myself the best I could with the tiny little slit of roof there was but it wasn't really covering anything. It was getting bad and Johnny wasn't here so there was really nothing I could do but get soaked out here. I thought of maybe going into one of the restaurants or gas stations that was near here and paying to call him but I didn't wanna move in case he arrived and wasn't even in the house to answer. "Hello gorgeous" a random guy who smelled of very strong alcohol said looking at me up and down. I got a little scared and scooted away a little bit slowly. "Where are you going pretty?" He said grabbing my waist. "Stop!" I told him slapping him. "Come on dont be feisty." He told me slamming me against the wall trying to kiss me and I kept trying to kick out of his reach. That's when I saw Johnnys car enter the drive way, he quickly jumped out and punched him away and the police ended up taking him away. "Oh my god baby I'm so sorry god I'm so stupid, I got out a little too late and there was a lot of traffic and-." I interrupted kissing him. "Hey it's okay you're here now." "Yeah but you got all soaked in the run and you're gonna get sick and this guy- this guy dares to touch you." "But I'm fine now alright nothing was able to happen thanks to you but let's get out of here quickly before anyone starts taking pictures."
Sorry this one was kind of short you guys but the next ones gonna be like an anniversary one and I'm gonna try to make it the best I can, please voteand check out the other stories I'm starting

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