What just happened?!

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Hii😌✨🦋my friends
I hope you are liking my story so far and I just want to tell you to not do anything stupid...

😪like shît I swear y'all be doing stupid stuff....🙄be careful!!!!

...but so do I tbh✨ sooo idrgaf😀😭😃

OKay so this chapter will be a little off of the main ship, but its all important for one of the other ships 😂 (Shinkami)Then you have Sero...

 but like.... I can't tell you everything rn so read!!!



Oijro was the first one up the hill, fallowed by the rest of us. When we got to the top a guy was holding a gun in the air. Well if you looked closer he looked to be holding one of Hagakure's glove.

"Shit Tooru." Oijro whispered. He was right next to me so I could here him muttering to himself.
Saying stuff like how he should have gone... or how someone else should have made a plan.

"I KNOW YOU ALL ARE THERE! I can sense you... that's how I found your precious little friend here." The man with the gun yelled.

"Oijro don't do anything stupid!" Tokoyami told him from behind us. Well... looks like the rest of the class is here, and they have Aizawa. "You little shits, are you trying to kill me. Do you know what I have to do every day to make sure you all don't get killed!" My dad yelled.

"Hitoshi!" he yelled, now looking at me with his infuriated face.

"Yeah..." What the fuck does he want from me.

"I need you to ask him what his quirk is." I know what he was up too. He wanted me to get info out of him before something happens by using my quirk. It would be more affective then him just using his right now.

"YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO HAND OVER THE BIG THREE OR I WILL TELL SHIGARAKI TO VAPORIZE THE YELLOW AND RED HEAD." Wait, now I know who this guy is.... the one at the store... he was in front of me in line. He had blood hair and eye bags. H-he was the one with the League Of Villanins... Twice? No not him... if this guy could sense Haga then its not Twice


"WHERE THE FUCK IS KIRISHIMA?" Well there goes Bakugou, yelling.

I stood up and looked at the man with the gun. "Where is Kaminari?" I asked as calm as possibly as to not show him how scared I actually was for Denks.

"I-" he went to speak but my quirk stoped him. "Put the gun down. and sit in the floor, don't move." As he went to do it my body shook. 


A/N- Okay so right now the guy (he is an oc so don't get confused lol) that Shin has under control is using his quirk. Btw he is an oc of mine and I will tell you 1000 times so you don't forget.. his name is Kanaski Magahiro <33. He can manipulate a persons thoughts and memories. The thoughts a person is having at that time he can hear them having. Everything they are thinking is venerable to him to change. As an example, if I was using my quirk and thinking of how to stop an enemy he could make me want to help them instead, by changing my thoughts on the situation. He can only do it to people when the are using there quirk though. And he if extremely fast at thinking a new plot to change the out comes of each person. Also it hurts like hell when the victim is under it. There is a chance that they can't go bake from it.

So with all that being said that's why he could sense Haga, bc he could hear her thoughts and told her to come to him.

The next part is Kanaski talking to shin in his head. Just so you know XD I'm not trying to confuse you or anything :)))

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