I smiled back at him.This reminds me of the morning after the night i gave up my virginity to him.Minus the cave scene and all.I remembered feeling like i could go through anything with him beside me.I feel the same now.

We went into our favourite café in Court.We sat at our usual table which is by the window.

"It's been awhile.." I sighed,looking at him,admiring his features.

He chuckles."Could you stop doing that Rose.." He said with a half grin.

"Do what?"

"Looking at me like that.Like I'm a miracle or something."

"But you are." I said truthfully."Dimitri no one,no one ever turned back from being a Strigoi.Ever."

"I didn't do anything Rose.You and Lissa did.You and Lissa are a miracle.You're a miracle,you know that?" He shook his head sighing."Deep in my heart,i feel like you should've just killed me because that would be easier and it'd be good for everyone."

"Everyone?" I shot back.We stared at each other."Dimitri how could you say that? What about your family? You think they're better off with you being dead? And what about me?"

"You'd move on." He placed his hand on top of mine."And i know you already have with Adrian." I was about to say something when he cuts me off."No.It's okay because you'd have to move on sooner or later."

"No.Me and Adrian were never really a thing.." i bit my lower lip."I uh..i love him,i do but I'm not in love with him like i am with you.Okay? And the past is the past,you're back and I'm with you.That's what matters...right?"

He nods,squeezing my hand."My family.."

"We'll deal with that soon."

Someone familiar caught my eyes by the entrance of the café.Adrian.And he was leaving.Guilt washed all over me.

I got up and followed him out.

"Adrian!" I called out but he didn't turn around."Adrian!" I caught him by his arm."You're smoking again." I said looking at the cigarette in between his fingers.

"Yeah well i can't really help it." He flicked the cigarette.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Is that really what you want to ask?!" I look around and noticed a few people are looking.

I pulled him to the back of café.

"I'm sor- "

"Don't even bother Rose.I heard what you said to him in there."

I sighed and was about to hold his hand but he pulled back.

"Adrian I'm so sorry,i didn't realize you were there."

"I was worried about you Rose.Every minute you were gone,every minute i didn't know what had happened to you...it was agony." I saw a flesh of pain in his eyes."I guess i should've known that this would happen if he came back.I didn't actually expect for any of this to work.But it did."

"Do you believe he's no longer Strigoi?"

"Yeah.Lissa said he's not and i believe her but I'm not sure if it's a good idea for you to see him just yet."

"Why? It's not like he's dangerous."

"Maybe.Can't you see I'm jealous?" Never would i have ever thought that Adrian would admit to being jealous."You said him coming back wouldn't affect things between us.But saying one thing before it happens and then actually having that happen are two things."

"Where are you getting at Adrian?"

"I want you Rose." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it."I love you and i want to be with you.I've always wanted you."

"Adrian- "

"Just listen.It'd be stupid for me to think that your old boyfriend coming back isn't going to have any effect on you.And no i don't like seeing you with him.But there's more to it.I do believe he's a dhampir again." He came closer to me until we're only an inch apart."But his aura..there's still some darkness left in him like yours but lesser.I'm not saying he's evil or something.But what he went through..it's huge.We really don't know much about the changing process.There might be violent parts of him that might lash out.That's what I'm worried about Rose.I just care about you Rose.I don't want you to get hurt."

"He won't hurt me Adrian and i know i hurt you and I'm really sorry for getting together with you in the first place.I love you but not in the way i love Dimitri."

"Be careful,little dhampir and know that I'd never give up on you.I love you."

Then without me realizing it,he brushed his lips against mine.Then he pulls away and walked away.

It's like I'm paralyzed or something.I couldn't move.I heard footsteps coming from behind me.Dimitri.

"You- you saw that."He nods."Are you mad?" I asked hesitantly.

"No.Not really." He shook his head."He really do love you Rose."

"Yeah i know." I said,looking at the ground."How much did you heard?"

"Just that he loves you and that little kiss.You love him don't you?"

He stared at me in the eyes.

"I do but i love you more.So much more."

"You're not gonna leave me are you? But i understand if you want to.With the things that i did- "

"No.Never ever would i ever leave you.I love you too much to do that."

He kissed me right after i finished talking.

"Good.That's the only thing i want to hear."

Savior (A Vampire Academy Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora