"I FINALLY KNOW WHY YOU WENT SILENT SOON JEONGYEON AND I BROKE UP, BECAUSE YOU CAUSED IT!!" nayeon angrily shouted making all the people go look at them, nayeon was doing her best to escape the police's arms to hit yoona again but they were so strong

Yoona just lowered her head and nodded to accept her defeat as she feels guilty of ruining the two's relationship, All honesty, she feels really bad as she now understands what it feels to love someone..

"yes nayeon... Lets just head inside and finish this already, i am guilty of everything" yoona faintly spoke and walked but got pulled back as nayeon reached her cloth

"FINISH?! YOU ARE TOO LUCKY JEONGYEON TURNED THE CASE DOWN!" nayeon got more mad as jeongyeon's sudden decision popped out to her head again

"w-what??" yoona stuttered and blinked continuously as she couldn't believe what just nayeon said

"YOU WANT ME SAY IT IN YOUR FACE HUH?!" nayeon burst out more mad, she was about to pull her hair when jeongyeon arrived

"NAYEON!" jeongyeon shouted with his deep voice and immediately ran to his woman

He was about to calm nayeon down when she suddenly slapped him hard, so hard that everyone heard his skin whack.

"HOW COULD YOU TURN THAT CASE DOWN! ARE YOU BEING FOR REAL RIGHT NOW?!" nayeon shouted making jeongyeon to roam his eyes and see that alot of people are looking to them

He gently pulled nayeon away from the scene even if he was having a hard time to control her, soon as they got out he hugged her and buried his face to her neck. He cried and said

"nayeon-ah... " he cryingly mumbled making nayeon stop for a second and calm herself out

She fell in and hugged him back as her man seems to be troubled, she was surprised to see jeongyeon crying even if it was siwon and yoona who set him up. Nayeon found herself feeling bad for shouting at him without hearing him out, she didn't hear him out again.

"im sorry.. Im so sorry hon i just got carried away" nayeon cracked her voice as she apologizes

"im sorry for putting the case down...its just t-that, siwon has a daughter - i cant afford lia to grow up without a dad" jeongyeon explained and sobbed to nayeon's neck, and there he was again

Being the most considerate person he could ever be, he's magnanimous that he even thought of being in lia's shoes. Thats when she realized that jeongyeon might experience bad things, but he will never pay it back

"stop crying janggoo.." nayeon took a deep breath as she rubs her palm to jeongyeon's back

"i disappointed you again.. Im sorry" jeongyeon sobbed more and tightly gripped on her waist

"no no no you didnt... Im sorry for shouting at you! I love you" nayeon apologized again and kissed his forehead

Jeongyeon looked up and claimed nayeon's lips

"i have to do it hon.. Im sorry" jeongyeon explained and sigh

"i know.. I shouldn't have judge you that easily, lets head inside and get this over already" nayeon answered with full understanding, she didnt thinked of what will happen to lia if ever they sent siwon to jail - a person can change, but including an innocent child? Thats a whole different story.


Jimin, yoona and siwon together with lia and their lawyers went inside the court against the case that has been filed for them, but soon as they got in - little and innoncent lia ran to nayeon and jeongyeon and begged making it hard for ryujin to see her unnie

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