The Worst Escapes

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3/16/17 - Bonus update on Ahsoka spying on baby Luke. 

        She now feared him, that vile Sidious. Before, she hadn't had a reason- she was fighting for her own life, completely unaware that anyone else could be destroyed for her. She'd put others in jeopardy before, but not like this. Not when she should have known better. Some bias of the old days filtered back: "A best friend is not as expendable as a clone." But she wasn't one to disrespect her troops. 

        Anakin was practically undefeatable. She remembered the last time he'd been injured, while sitting in thought on the gun ship. They were on Cato Neimoidia, Anakin's Starfighter had been attacked by buzz droids. Because of powerful shock from his depleted Starfighter, Anakin was rendered unconscious.

            It was now Ahsoka to the rescue! She narrowly jumped onto the ledge where Skyguy's Starfighter was in the process of crashing and burning. Without hesitation, she pulled him out of his seat, and dragged him backwards, just as his Starfighter toppled off of the ledge and crashed into the depths beyond.

            That had also been the day of the bombing at the temple. That was a day she would rue forever and ever. It had caused her separation from her Master, from the Jedi, and from the only life she'd known since she had been a youngling.

            She'd hardly ever lost anyone; she'd always had her partner's backs. Now, she had lost the closest thing she'd ever had to a best friend. The rest of her compatriots were already dead.

            "Ahsoka," Obi-Wan announced. "We're docking on Tatooine."

            Ahsoka hated Tatooine almost as much as Anakin, after her near death there, by Jabba the Hutt and Count Dooku's droids.

            As they docked, the bright twin suns of Tatooine glared in Ahsoka's tan face.

            "Welcome to my temporary home," Obi-Wan said.

Ahsoka knew there must have been a justifiable reason for Obi-Wan to live is such a barren place.

She looked to him in question. "A Force-user," he explained. "Anakin's son."

Ahsoka's head shot up. "He said they died," she started. She clutched her left shoulder in what seemed to be pain.

            "What happened to your shoulder, Ahsoka?" Lux was both curious and alarmed.

A blaster hole was evident through Ahsoka's skin.

"How did you get that?" Lux wanted to know.

"It's nothing." Ahsoka tried to hide her wound. "I got it while running from Anakin and the clones."

"Let me take care of it, Ahsoka." Lux gripped the bandage rolls, and began to doctor her wound. In truth, she had been fighting wounded, the entire time, careful to not reveal her injury.

            Ahsoka had no idea what was coming next, but she hoped everyone else she held dear would survive.

Obi-Wan was convinced that the Sith would be on the look out for them, thus he informed the other two that in order to save Anakin's infant son, they needed to leave. Otherwise Anakin would be instructed to find and kill his son, and now Ahsoka was unsure whether or not he would do it.

She did want to meet the son of Anakin Skywalker, though, just to know that he was okay. Obi-Wan said it was best he and the rest of his family were left in the dark about the majority of Anakin Skywalker's life; the hope was that young Luke Skywalker would grow up in peace with family on the desert planet. 

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