chapter 3

11 3 1

I'm in this horrid world where no one cares about me and there's no one I can rely on.
I'm alone in this world and I'll die alone to, so might as well speed up the process.

"Come on Jason just give her a break, let her eat."
I shoot my head up so fast that I almost break my neck trying to see if the person who said that was joking or not, but once I look up I see Michael dead serious looking at jason.

"Davis bro don't tell me your sticking up for this loser? She's not worth it bro I'm telling you, she will drag you down and you will be known as the friend of the fat girl do you really want that bro?"
I look at Michael to see his reply

He shakes his head no.
I don't know why it hurts cause I didnt really expect him to say yes he wants to be a loser with me and he wants to be the friend of the fat girl but it just stung that even the new kid of our school doesn't like me.
I watch as Jason's smile reappears and he pats Micheals back.
"Well then come on and sit with us at our own table there, maybe I can even hook you up with Kendra." They both laugh as they walk away and I breathe out a long breath I didnt know I was holding.
I'm just glad he forgot what his intention was when he came here now I can eat in peace.

The rest of  my break goes on fine I ate my lunch in peace even though I'm still hungry but at least I ate something and drank some tap water.
As soon as the bell rings I scurry on to my next class "physical science" I hate the class, not the subject I love the subject but I just don't understand it and I'm to shy to ask anything or for my teacher to explain to me so I keep quiet.

I am the first one to enter and I sit in the front seat of the class then right after me someone walks in. I know exactly who this person is by the whiff of deodorant I smell.


He comes in and sits next to me and smiles at me. And at that very second I start to melt I can feel my face heating up and my hands start to sweat.
" Hi I'm Darius are you new to this class."he asks.
Am I new to this class?
Right now I can't even think or talk and I don't trust my voice so I just shake my head no.

He laughs and I see his dimples.
And I'm literally gonna die now.
"So have you been in this class long?"

I nod my head yes.
And he laughs again
"You don't talk much do you?" I wanna say something but I can't so I just nod my head again.
And we both laugh this time.
"So whats your name?"

"M..Mandy Makhenzi"

I say nervously while biting the inside of my cheeks.
"Well its nice to meet you Mandy Makhenzi I'm Darius Matthews and I'm the new teachers assistance for the next two months." He holds out his hand for me to shake but I can feel how sweaty mine are so I just go in for a fist bump.

"Oh okay is this how you role, to cool for hand shakes I see?" He jokes and I can't help but laugh as well as him.

"Okay so can I rely on you to help me in class cause I'm not used to the people here, since I'm a senior and all." He raises his thick  eyebrow and I swear my heart just skipped a beat.

"Uhm sure I can help you if you really need the help." I tell him in a soft voice whilst looking down at a spot on my desk.

"Ah so she can speak" he says with an amused smile and I laugh

"I can speak I'm just a little shy thats all."
I explain but he just  stands up tilts his head as he walks to the front of  my desk.

He tilts my head up with his smooth finger tips.
"You don't have to be shy with me okay, I'm here for anything you need."
He says softly while looking deep into my grey eyes and I stare into his green ones just when he's about to lean in someone comes through the door with a loud bang.

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