chapter 7

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"Hey Mandy"
I was frozen and I don't know why.
I just looked at him. Not moving not saying anything just staring. SAY SOMETHING DUMBASS! My subconscious yells.

"Hello, Mandy, are you okay, you look......stuck?" He looked at me weirdly

"Oh uhm hey Michael, sorry I was just in a daze." I explain.
"Oh I thought you had a cramp or something." He laughed and I joined him.
"Nope just me being my daily weird self." And we both laughed. It feels like its the first time I've laughed in so long my laughter is even foreign to me.

"Your funny Mandy, but the reason I came to you was to ask you how your getting home if you need a ride." He asked.
He wants to take me home?
I always walk home since my parents are always working and my brother is usually still at college so I just walk home. Nobody has ever offered me a ride home. And I've never thought to ask. Not because I'm ashamed of my home, because even though we are going through a rough patch with our money issue we still live in a beautiful house since all the houses around here are beautiful.

We had bought the house when we moved here when we had money. We were not always like this, believe it or not but, once upon a time I was also like these rich snobby kids of my school but my dad got arrested for some fraud thing and was sent to jail for a long time and then we we've in dept since, and till this day we are still paying for all the damages. Since my mom bought the house and cars and furniture we got to keep all of it.

"Your in a daze again." He sung, cutting me out of my thoughts and I looked at him, and he had a smile on his face.

I laughed at myself and he did to "oh I'm sorry I was just thinking about something, but uhm yeah sure I would love to ge......."

I was interrupted by someone speaking next to me.
"That won't be necessary there buddy I'll take her home." I look at the person next to me to see Darius standing there looking amazing. Right now I'm standing with two of the most beautiful males in this school and I feel like crawling into a corner and just sinking into the ground.
"Oh hey Darius I didnt know you knew Mandy." He said with the same smile he had on when he was talking to me.

"Oh yeah new boy, her and I have a thing were trying to entertain, but hey thanks for waiting with her till I arrived."
He said with a bright smile that I know isn't sincere.
Darius turns and looks at me whilst hooking his arm around my shoulders and kisses my cheek.
"Hey baby, how was class?" He asked
Did he just call me baby? Out loud? And in front of people? And in front of Micheal?

"Mandy, hey I'm talking to you." He shakes me a little.

"Oh uhm I'm sorry I was in a daze. But class was good. It was fine." I said to him with a sincere smile. Nobody has ever asked me how my class was not even my parents so its nice having someone be interested about you and care about you.

"Yeah she was like that to me to when I came to her." And Michael and I started laughing. Both remembering me being distracted by my thoughts before.
But someone didnt find it funny. He was just flexing his jaw next to me, and even though I know that he is mad for some reason, I can't help but admire how beautiful he looks right now.

"Again, thank you for waiting with her but we need to go eat lunch, see you around new boy." He didnt even wait for a response he just walked away pulling me with him.

"So I see you and Michael were getting to know each other well?" He asked looking down at me. We were still walking to the cafeteria. It wasnt that far from where we were so we got there pretty fast.

"Well uhm not really, he is new and asked me to show him around but Jason took it upon himself to do that, and we really haven't spoken since first period and break time but that was hardly a conversation and then right now when you came." I told him with a neutral look on my face and in a soft small voice.

He looked at me and smiled.
"Why are you smiling at me?" I asked with a small smile to.
"You know thats one of the longest group of  sentences you've ever said to me?"
He said whilst pushing my hair back with his fingers. I started blushing like the idiot I am. I tried to look down so he wouldn't see me but he lifted my face up by my chin with his index finger.
"You don't ever have to be shy with me okay Mandy, don't ever hide anything from me because I like you for who you are and everything about you." At this point my heart couldn't beat any faster than this. My stomach no longer had butterflies but a whole damn zoo.

"You trust me right? You trust me to keep all your secrets and you trust me enough to show me everything, and never keep anything from me right?" He was giving me the puppy dog eyes right now.
Could I trust him?
He did stand up for me when Jason was being a bully and he did comfort me when I was crying in the bathroom, he held my hand when we went to class, he's taking me home and he likes me and is not ashamed by it. He's an amazing guy and a very handsome one, who am I to turn down such a thing. If I don't take this opportunity now I'll never get it ever again. Its not everyday where your super hot crush confesses that he likes you back, and it happened to me.

"Of course I trust you Darius, why wouldn't I?" He smiled and pulled me by my chin and kissed me.
I was so shocked at first because we were standing in the middle of the cafeteria and everyone was watching us and, I've never thought that the sexiest boy in our school would be kissing me, in the middle of a crowded cafeteria without it being a dare or a joke.


Oh no.

regret Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora