chapter 32

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There's only 2 days left before I give up my virginity to Darius. To say that I'm scared shitless would be an understatement.

I've been hanging out with Mr B a lot lately. His son has been giving him troubles since he's turning the big 13 and he's starting to become a teen and having these tantrums and whatnot.

It's kind of funny how he describes it. The way he describes how his son behaves is just funny to me. Mr B is an amazing father, even his son can see that he's such an amazing father. Even though his son is troubling him now every time I see them together I see this amazing father, son bond that my brother has never had with my dad. I've never had it with my dad either. I guess it's just certain people that can have that relationship. At least I have my mom that I can talk to and have an excellent relationship with.

"You know yesterday he told me I was texting like a mom?" Mr B complains. I try so hard to hold my laugh in but end up failing and start laughing my head off. I was laughing so hard that my eyes started to tear up and I was smacking my knee.

"Oh. My. Goodness. That... That is so funny." I carry on laughing. Mr B gave up trying to be serious and offended and started laughing along with me.

"Mandy I'm serious. He actually told me to stop poking my phone and text like a normal human being." He says while trying to hold his smile. He also found it amusing that his son said that.

"Oh Mr B you and your son kill me." I say wiping the small amounts of tears that were about to fall from my eyes.

"Just let him be Mr B, he's growing. Every teenager goes through this rude phase it'll be over soon. His will be faster cause he's a good kid and you're a great father, he loves you." I say to him and he smiles at me. I smile back.

"Thank you Mandy. Your a sweet girl but I don't remember you going through this rude phase." He chuckles out.

"Well Mr B, I think my parents got lucky. I used to have rude thoughts and wanted to be a rebel but I could never act upon it. I could never be vocal about it. Like the best I could do was roll my eyes at my mom." I laugh. I was never the rude type. I didn't have it in me. I could easily think of something rude to say but never voice it.

"Your parents were lucky." He laughs out. Even though Mr B claims this is a problem I can tell he's enjoying watching his son grow. He's happy he's one of those lucky dad's that get to see their son growing into a man.

We spent the rest of the break packing supplies and talking till the bell rang. I said goodbye to Mr B and left for my best class.

As I was walking down the hall I bumped into someone and almost fell flat on my bum but I felt someone quickly grab my arms and pull me before I hit the ground. I look up to see Michael and I quickly back away from him.

"Sorry." I mutter quickly and look down as I try to make my way back to class.

I had not spoken to Michael since he blew up on me the last time. I've been avoiding him and it hasn't been that hard since he's hardly in school anyway.

"Wait Mandy!" He calls out. I don't stop. I pretend I didn't hear him and keep walking to my class. I'm sure he just wants to call me names and say hurtful things to me again.

I hear him calling my name again but this time his voice was a bit louder telling me he was close.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I quickly turned around and stopped. I took a step back as to create some distance between us.

"Michael I really need to get to class now I'm running late. Can we chat another time?" I was lying. I wasn't running late and I was not gonna talk to him any other time.

"Mr Stöter isn't here today so we have a free period. Can we talk now?" He asks. I seriously want to say no and walk away but I know I would never.

"Please?" He begs. He doesn't look like he's mad or in any mood for a fight so I just walk closer to him, he turns and we start walking.

We starting walking in silence to the tennis court since that's where the whole class was going to spend their free period. We find a bench and sit down.

We were just sitting there in silence and it was awkward.

"Mandy I'm sorry." He says. For a second I thought I was dreaming. Did Michael just say he's sorry?

"Huh?" I ask in confusion.

"I said I'm sorry Mandy. I flipped out on you the last time we spoke and I shouldn't of said all those nasty things. I'm sorry for being a dick." He apologises. I look at him for a few seconds just waiting for him to say he's joking and laugh. But he doesn't.

"Micheal it's fine. I was being nosey and had no right to be asking about your private affairs. I'm sorry." I say back.

"No seriously Mandy. That did not give me any right to say all those things about you and call you names. I regretted it straight after I said it but my pride got the best of me and I'm sorry. When Darius came to me and said you were crying I felt so bad but didn't have the guts to apologize. Mandy I'm really sorry." He says. I forgive him. It's not like he killed me or something.

"Its fine Michael. I forgive you." I said while smiling.

"Really?" He asks in disbelief. I don't know what's so surprising. Was I not supposed to forgive him.

"Yeah, I mean I was wrong too so it's only fair." I respond.

"Wow. Some other girls would've dumped water on my head or even swore at me or made some kind of scene before forgiving me." He says and I laugh a little.

I don't think it's necessary for anyone to spill their drink on someone.

"I'm not like any of other girls now am I?" I ask smiling and bumping my shoulder to his. We both laugh.

"Yeah, your way more beautiful and amazing." He said and walked away leaving me speechless.

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