Wrapped Around

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Another original! Everyones sending me their Poems to post, so I decided to post some of mine. THIS POEM, I WROTE A LONG TIME AGO. Just didnt get around to post it, so here I am! POSTING IT. Hope you like it. Maybe you can relate? 

This one is called Wrapped Around. 

Wrapped around,

Tied on.

Controling mind.

Breaking the bond

It hurts me,

When I see you hurt.

My heart aches,

And burns.

I want to love you,

I dont want you to bleed,

I want to help you,

I want to make you believe.

But I cant,

Because im broken

She can, 

 Listen to whats been spoken.

So why dont you let her.

Because I cant? 

I may be your best friend.

And I know you say, 

But youll be fine without me.

You strong.

You lifes precious :)

There will be a day,

When you realize.

Your much more important.

But for now,

Ill do as I do.

Stay and be around, 

Just for you.

Hope I wont regret it,

Because Ill never forget it.

Ill always be wrapped around.

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