Letters to my Human Diary by: Veronica

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It's like being dead, but your still alive. You don't feel any emotion yet you keep finding a way to live. You feel like your falling and nothings going to catch you. Then eventually your numbness turns to sadness and then that turns into anger, and every bit of anger about everything comes out towards anyone you can find a reason to hurt. Your outside is made of stone, but inside, you'll fell just as hurt as ever. The dark skies cover the sun up, giving you no escape from the never ending darkness that traps you. Nothing can cure this feeling once you've fallen. You fall inwards, and everything goes too fast for you to grab it. Even anti-depressants are no help forever. Everything hurts and soon you don't care if you live or die. You tell everyone your fine but no one every says 'no your not' You want someone to see your broken at the same time you don't want them to be close to you, because just like everyone else did, they will leave. There's no point fighting it when you've been broken as badly as some people. You can't win when you've fallen as deep as I have. Listen to your family and friends before you fall to deep to climb your way back out. Anything can pull you out of this hole though. It could be a job, love, therapy even a close friend or family member but you have to find something to fight for. Just because I've fallen doesn't mean you should. Some people ask me 'why do you do everything the hard way?' Then I tell them, 'I just do' do they assume I see two ways of doing it? This is what it's like to be broken, don't make the same mistakes I did. You shouldn't give in to this. My broken heart is my past, present, and future. I can push it away all I want but it's sunk it's dark, cold, claws into me far too deep for me to rip it off, for I have fallen too far...

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