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Rain, Rain, Go away.

Because of you the pain will stay,

Slit my throat out,

Cut out my heart,

Leave me alone.

Posion tears stream down your face,

My heart beats at a steady pace,

As I stand again,

Alone standing in the rain,

I dont need you anymore.

Is what I think as tears pour,

I hate you like I hate my life,

But love is what cuts like a knife.

Love is death, and death is you.

Its the pain like a black tattoo.

Those memories come back again,

And bind me in the ropes of pain,

Crimson blood streams down my head,

Like a long, silk ribbon, tied by a thread

To a platiunum bullet, in my skull.

Now jjust a memory thats faded

To the darkness of my heart </3

~I did not write this, my best friend wrote this! Repeat, didnt write this one, my amazingly awesome best friend did. :P I love this poem, I always read it. ~

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