31 // You Got Me

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Chapter 31 - You Got Me

"When the fear takes you down

When the doubt takes you under

When you sink like a stone

And you can't breathe

When the tears take control

When the demons take over

Won't be in this alone

You got me"

New Year's Eve. Everyone was preparing themselves to party, whether it was with family, friends, alone, at home, at the beach, anywhere. My parents, I, Dylan, Tracy, Roxy and Lori and their parents had this tradition of going together to the cafés near the town river. We just usually sit at the tables, talking, and at midnight we watched the firework.

This year it wouldn't be different. We would eat pizza and then go to the café, waiting for 2015 with bright smiles on our faces. Nothing would be different when it came to that, well, except for the part where Ellie, Cameron, and Rayla would be joining us. However, that wasn't really what was different this year. What was different was within me, having experienced a situation that opened my eyes to the real meaning of judging others and the real meaning of love, even though I still didn't quite know what that meant.

I would probably only know when I felt it.

So, there we were, a group of almost twenty people gathered in the pizza restaurant, laughing. I was really enjoying myself, after all, I was having fun with the people I loved the most.

Almost everyone in town gathered around the river, because it was the place where the fireworks were bigger, brighter, better. So maybe, just maybe, I was hoping to find Aiden, and even Matthew there.

Aiden and I had texted each other a couple of times but I hadn't heard of Matthew since the day I had told them everything. He was still angry at me, but I wasn't going to apologize again, not only because of my pride but mainly because I really believed I had nothing to be sorry about anymore. Sure, I had made mistakes, and I regretted hurting him, but he had done the same thing to me and I wasn't mad at him, not anymore. Yet he was still mad at me.

After eating in the restaurant, which was already near the river, we started walking on the river's edge, enjoying the cold breeze. It kinda sucked being one of the last countries in the world to enter the new year, and I always dreamed of passing New Year's Eve in big cities such as London, Sydney, even New York.

We all sat at round tables in one of the café's terrace, the adults in two tables and us, youngsters, in other two. There were some other students from our school and even from rowing around us.

"Can't believe we're almost in 2015." Lori smiled, her hands intertwined with Cameron's. Their relationship had quickly blossomed and it was really cute to see them interact with each other. It made me believe in true love. 

"I know, right?" Ellie agreed. Shortly after the jet black-haired boy who had greeted Roxy at Ellie's barbecue arrived. His name was Tyler, and he was actually very nice. He and Roxy had started dating not long ago.

"Kiara." Ellie called my name. "See? We're the only ones without a boyfriend." She didn't say it sadly, rather amusingly.

"I know." I smiled, sendind a teasing smile to Dylan and Rayla, who were both red as tomatoes.

"We're not..." They both said at the same time but Ellie winked and I smirked.

"Don't tell no lies, lie lie lie..." Ellie started singing and I soon joined her "You can't deny-ny-ny-ny..."

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