30 // And the Reason is You

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Chapter 30 - And the Reason is You

"I'm not a perfect person

There's many things I wish I didn't do

But I continue learning

I never meant to do those things to you

And so, I have to say before I go

That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me

To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new

And the reason is you"

It was December 27th, and my big family was starting to go back to their homes. Christmas had been good, with all the family reunited around a big table filled with delicious plates of food, I couldn't complain. I received some pretty awesome presents as well, clothes, money, some of my favourite books and movies.

I had called both Matthew and Aiden to meet me in a nearby park, the same park where I had met Aiden when he gave me a ride to Lia's party. That event had only been a couple of months ago but it seemed as if had ocurred centuries ago. That's just how much things had changed.

I was pacing back and forth in the park, fully aware it was a really bad idea to tell them the truth at the same time, but I didn't know if I was able to tell the same thing twice. It would be better if I faced them both, I tried to convince myself.

After a while of waiting, I saw Aiden's motorbike being parked and he made his way towards me, a little more hesitant than his usually confident walking. I hadn't talked to him since our kiss in the cable car, not counting when I called him to meet me here.

"Hey." He greeted.

"Hi." I greeted back nervously.

"So what do you wan—"

Aiden was interrupted by another familiar voice.

"What is he doing here?" Matthew walked towards us, staring at Aiden. I took a deep breath and placed myself between both of them to prevent an eventual fight.

"I called you both because there's something I need to tell you."

They both crossed their arms over their chests, looking defiantly to one another, but they listened to me  anyway. This is it, I thought, the moment when they're going to start hating me. But this had to end, I knew it. This game of hearts we were all playing, this game where we had gotten ourselves into, it couldn't continue. We had all suffered too much with this already. 

"And what is that?" Aiden asked. I sat at the head of a picnic table, and sighing they both did the same, sitting across from each other.

"You both remember Lia's party, right?" I started, not really knowing where to begin.

"In October?" Matthew questioned in a perplexed tone.

"Yes... well, it happens I was suspicious about your sudden interest on me at that time." I saw Matthew and Aiden exchange quick glances, their attention then returning to me. "As you know, I'm not dumb, and I knew you had to be up to something if you had suddenly noticed my presence in this world. So at that party, I decided to discover the truth by getting you drunk, and I successfully managed to get Aiden drunk."

I noticed both of their eyes widening.

"W-what?" Aiden yelled.

"Calm down." I requested. "So you told me, Aiden, even if you don't remember, you told me how you both had made a bet with me as the victim. I've known since that day that from the very beginning all you guys wanted was to break my heart."

The Game of HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora