28 // Kiss Me

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Chapter 28 - Kiss Me

"(...) We're not fighting

Could it be that we have been

This way before

I know you don't think

That I am trying

I know you're wearing

Thin down to the core"

I didn't enjoy the rest of the day very much due to all the thoughts that were running rampantly in my mind. I didn't sleep very well that night either, afraid that Aiden would pop up inside the tent like he had said, which fortunately, didn't happen.

On Sunday we were supposed to go practice radical sports in the mountain, such as abseiling, zip line, etc, but my mind was in no condition of going (and neither was I over enthusiastic to put my life in danger), so I asked Dylan to covered it up for me saying I was sick, and apparently the teachers bought it and let me stay in my tent.

So there I was, alone in the glade full of tents and wooden houses while everyone else was having fun doing radical sports. After an hour, I got tired of being closed inside the tent so I decided to follow one of the rails that we had already explored. But walking in the forest alone is very different from walking with hundreds of students and supervisors.

So of course I got lost.

I was cursing under my breath, trying to suppress the panic that was already forming inside of me, when I heard a loud 'crack' and someone appeared in front of me. I took a step back ready to punch the individual if needed, my heart heavy in my chest, but then I recognized his curly blonde hair and green eyes.

"Kiara?" Matthew asked in surprise.

"Hi." I greeted without much enthusiasm, but I was really relieved that I wasn't alone in the woods anymore.

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"I got back from the mountain where people are climbing because I'm not really in the mood to climb a mountain." I reminisced him saying he had gone camping with his mother some years ago. Maybe they had gone climbing at that time and now he didn't want to go again because he didn't want to remember it all. It was understandable. "You?"

"Same, but I just didn't even bother to go."

"So you decided to walk alone in the forest. Brilliant." Matthew mocked, grinning. "I can't believe the teachers let you stay alone."

I shrugged.

"They have so many students to take care of and they know I don't get myself in trouble."

"Says the lost girl."

"Who said I'm lost?" I frowned and he shrugged, a smile playing on his lips.

"Well, do you know your way to the tents then?"

I sighed.


Matthew rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Let's go." He turned around and started walking, not waiting for me to accompany him. 

I rushed myself to follow him and we walked through the forest for about half an hour, when he stopped.



"I think we're lost."

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