Extra: Where are they now

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Hey guys :) So I know it's been a really long time since I wrote this story and that many of you will probably not read this, but recently magically_positive suggested me this idea, and I thought it would be interesting to give you an insight of my version of the characters' future in this story. Feel free to see this as noncanon so you can continue to imagine what happened to everyone as you wish! This is merely a suggestion of mine to answer the many unanswered questions this story left, it doesn't have to be official. And it's dedicated to magically_positive for all of her support towards this story, thank you so much :)

What happened, where are they now & what are they doing  

Kiara Raven:

Kiara left for Belgium in Spring 2015 and stayed there for about a month with the intention of travelling across Europe to visit as many countries and cities as she could. On her last day in Bruges she was walking alongside a river when she noticed a dark-haired, green-eyed boy on the other side. Her heart stopped; but somehow her feet didn't. James didn't see her; and he never found out how close he had come to find her.

During summer, Kiara visited Europe as she had always wanted; for the first time, she felt as if she belonged, not to a city, not to a person, simply to the flow, to the constant moving and experiencing, to the sense of losing herself to the world, to the people around her with all of its different traits; savouring the diversity of cultures and the exploration of each city secret places. For the first time she felt the taste of freedom in all of her, which quickly became her addiction, something she knew she'd never let go of. She was never still, always moving around, until one day in Amsterdam her bike was stolen. Instead, in its empty space, stood a guy. 

Here's a snippet of their first (but certainly not last) encounter:

"Did you steal my bike?"

The guy looked at her seriously. He was handsome, and right now, a potential thief.

"Of course I did. And I waited here to tell you, the owner, exactly that. And I must tell you I also hid it underneath my Invisibility Cloak so you would not see it."

Her mouth kept quiet; but her mind did not. He's a joker. And most likely a liar, and God knows how you had your fair share of those during this year. No, Kiara, don't be so judgemental, don't judge at first sight. You learned better than that. No one is ever just one thing.

"No, of course I did not steal your bike." He continued. Wait, was that a twitch in his lips? Was he smiling? At... her? No, that was no smile... it was a smirk. He was so smirking at her! "Where were you headed?"

Kiara crossed her arms over her chest, her significant move. His eyes stopped there for a moment; her tight peach-colored shirt probably wasn't helping. Maybe she should have gone for the blue t-shirt instead; but she rarely wore blue after James.

"Red-light District." She answered dryly. Translation: it is none of your goddamn business.

This time, he grinned. Not a smirk, not a smile, a real, genuine grin, so honest it hurt her. How dared he show her such a beautiful, pure, sincere grin? 

Ugh, I hate him already, she thought happily. He's making me contradict myself... already.

"Great, so was I!" He exclaimed, the grin still intact. For some unknown reason, and despite her hatred, Kiara did not want him to stop. "I can give you a lift if you want to. Let me compensate you for the bike incident. Don't want you to leave the country thinking badly of the Dutch. Someone has to set an example."

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