Chapter 11

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I woke up at 8am today and did my usual routine on a weekend. I changed into my yoga clothes and did poses. It felt so good and really relaxing.

After an hour, I decided to wrap it up and started doing my cool down routine.

I went straight to the bathroom and took a shower. I got out feeling ready for the day.

I wore my specs and did my homeworks first since Haruto said he'll come pick me up at 5pm to go to the amusement park.

I'm actually really excited because it's been a while since we went to an amusement park together. The recent one was probably when we were nine or something.

When I finished my homeworks, I went out of my room and fed my dog Lili. I sat down to be on the level as her. "My baby is growing up too fast." I said referring to my Golden Retriever.

I pat her and head and kissed her. I was still running my fingers through her hair her when I heard my mom say "My baby is growing up too fast too."

I turned my head and smiled at my mom. She smiled back at me so sweetly.

I walked closer to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I thought you were on duty today?" I asked her.

"My shift was changed to night." She replied. My mom works as a head nurse in a huge medical group here in Fukuoka, or maybe even Tokyo.

"It's okay, atleast I can see you before you leave for your first date."

My first what? I was really surprised with what my mom said. I didn't utter a word, my face already said it all.

"What? I know it's a date." I can't believe my mom. Isn't she used to us being like this since we were kids? It's not even unsual for us to go out anymore.

"W-what? No, it's not." I disagreed. "W-what do you mean? We go out together all the time. It's nothing new." I shook my head.

"Baby, today is different." Okay, this is weird.

"How do you know that?" I asked laughing a bit. "I just know." Is my mom is trying to play fortune teller or something?

"Hmm, didn't you tell me not to date yet?" I said.

She stopped for a while realizing what she said to me before doesn't match what she's telling me now.

"If it's Haruto, then I guess it's fine."

"I know that kid. He is kind, caring, sweet, and charming." I agree but I didn't tell her.

"Aren't you charmed?" my mom added.

Yeah, I think I'm actually crushing on him, my bestfriend. I burst into laughter and so did my mom.

I went back up to my room and video called with Jiyu and Suna. "What's up chicas?" Jiyu said as soon as we answered.

"I'm going to visit my dad at the cemetery and go shopping with my mom today." Suna said replying to what Jiyu asked. Suna's dad died when we were in 7th grade.

"Me? I'm probably just gonna stay home today and you know, binge watch and sleep." Jiyu said.

I wanted to do that too, sleep and sleep and sleep. But it's okay since I'll be spending my day with Haruto.

"How about you, Kai?"

"I'm going to the amusement park with Haruto today." I said and their eyes widened in surprise.

"Just the two of you?" both of them asked at the same time.

"Uhh, yeah." I removed my left airpod when they both suddenly screamed so loud I think my eardrum is damaged.

"Kai, it's the perfect time to tell him." Suna said and Jiyu nodded as a sign of agreement.

"Tell him what?" I knew exactly what they wanted me to tell him.

"Tell him you like him."

"No, that you love him." Jiyu added.

"I don't know, maybe not yet?" I can see the frustration on their faces when they heard what I said.

"You guys will be alone. The time is too perfect. Don't you dare waste it." Jiyu said once again.

I took a deep breath. Honestly, I think it's the perfect time too. I'm overthinking what if he doesn't like me too. It could ruin our friendship and I never want that to happen.

"Tell him, okay? You got this! You're K-A-I, right?" Suna said which made the three of us laugh because she was imitating my voice on the "K-A-I" part.

I performed that for a monthly assessment which YG Japan posted on youtube and it kinda went viral because my face wasn't clearly shown, I was wearing shades and cap on the video. People were curious about who K-A-I was.

We talked for a few more minutes and ended the call.

I remembered what they told me. Should I go for it or not?

What should I do?

TREASURE Series #1 (Haruto) Under the Pink Sky Where stories live. Discover now