She was a university student, studying business because her family owns a huge company. I never knew then but her family was really wealthy and influential people. I, on the other hand, was struggling to balance 2-3 jobs a day just to get by. Graduating college is not in my plan because of some personal reasons but being a barista is one of my favorites because I get to talk to Jennie even for a short while.

After months of talking and getting to know each other, she finally said yes. Although I don't have much she accepted me with all her heart. I even live in her apartment because according to her it would be a waste of money for me to pay rent when most of the time we sleep in one bed. Of course, at first, I was hesitant because I don't want to feel like a burden or whatnot but she assured me everything is fine and she's glad I'm living with her.

How do I get so lucky to meet this wonderful girl? Super! And I won't take anything for granted

"I'll melt if you keep on staring me like that" she placed my plate of pancakes with strawberries on top arranged like a heart. She made her way beside me and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Because you're just so damn beautiful baby" I gave her a cheeky smile and started eating my pancake. It was delicious. After we're done eating I helped her clean the plate. The least I could do.

It was a lazy Saturday. She doesn't have work while my shift at the bar is not until later. Yes, the bar where we met is where I'm currently working. I'm now a bartender at that bar.

Jennie and I are chilling on the couch, watching Netflix. It's an anime movie, A Silent Voice. So basically, this guy was bullying a deaf girl back in middle school but somehow when they went to high school the guy felt guilty so he went to ask for forgiveness. We're still in the middle so I can't tell what's going to happen but it looks like they have feelings for each other.

Jennie was seating comfortably at the gaps of thighs while my chin was resting on her head, my arms were wrapped around her while she was munching down her snack.

"Will you forgive someone if you were the girl?" Jennie randomly asked her eyes still focusing on the movie

I thought about it. The girl was trying her best to have a normal school life then this guy made is miserable. One time, he played a prank and pulled the hearing aid of the girl which caused it to bleed. So will I forgive him?

"I would. He's trying to change. Though he was a pretty annoying kid back then he grew up to be better" I answered. Nini sit up and looked at me while pouting her face scrunched

"But he did something awful. He's the reason why she can't totally hear in one ear" she argued. I just shrugged my shoulders and grab the popcorn she was holding but she's still looking at me waiting for a response.

"So? I mean it's really bad if you think about it but he's trying to change to be better you know?" She glared at me, seems like she's not satisfied with my answer. "You won't forgive him even if it happened years ago? And he's already changed?" I asked back

"No" she shortly answered as she slumped back to our position

"Nini that's mean" I did a baby voice and doing aegyo. She hit my arm but I laughed. My girl is just to easy to annoy

"Just like Hammurabi's code: an eye for an eye, but in this case and ear for an ear" she joked but I pouted. I didn't know she was too brutal and unforgiving, although sometimes I'm scared to death when she gets mad at me.

"Even if it's me?" She sat right back up and cupped my face

"I know you would never do anything so horrible that would ruin someone's life" she kissed my lips several times before standing up. Luckily, she didn't see me staring at the tv thinking about my nightmare.

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