Chapter 1: Early Days....

Start from the beginning

"Y-Yes s-s-sir..." Izuku said making the teacher sigh in frustration and his classmates laugh at him.

"For spacing out again in the middle of class! Detention and a trip to the principals office!!!" His teacher said making Izuku gulp.

"Oooooooo....Deku's in trouble.." his classmates said in unison.

"B-But S-Sensei t-that's n-not f-fair!" Izuku aid frantically opposing what his teacher said.

"Life isn't fair, Mr. Yagi. You of all people should know that." His sensei said bluntly.

Izuku looked at his table sighing in defeat.

"Y-Yes sensei......" Izuku said.

"Good. Now back to the topic." His sensei said before going back to what he had written on the board showing a PEMDAS equation.

"Now. This equation is called a PEMDAS equation. Does anyone know what PEMDAS means?" He asked the class as some students raise their hands.

The teacher then randomly picked one student that was seated in the middle of class.

"Yes, Mr. Todoroki?" He said.

"Parenthesis Equivalent Multiplied Division Answer Subtraction. Sir." The young red and white split haired boy said.

"That must be correct...It's gotta be..." A random voice whispered in the background

"Todoroki-kun one of the smartest in class of course he's correct!..." Another random voice whispered in response to the other whisper.

Todoroki hearing this had a small look of pride in his face as he heard the class's praise about him.

"What even is that answer? He just made it up on a whim!" Izuku said to himself perplexed at the boys answer.

"Good try Mr. Todoroki but your answer is wrong." The teacher said causing Todoroki to sit down on his chair annoyed he got the answer wrong.

"Waah! Todoroki got it wrong! How's that possible!?..." The class whispered to themselves in surprise at how Todoroki got the question wrong.

"Anyone else? Anyone else want to give it a try?" The teacher asked the class again.

Another hand rose up from a blond spiky haired boy.

"You, Mr Bakugo!" The Teacher said inticeng the boy to get up from his seat.

"I got the the answer teach! Besides you gotta always rely on my answers teach, not peppermints anyways!" Bakugo said insulting Todoroki who eyed Bakugo with a hateful gaze.

"I like the bravado, Mr. Bakugo! But please save it for recess time! Now give me your answr." The teacher said.

"It's Perpetual Efficient Mathematical Deduction And Subtrahends!!!" Bakugo said with absolute confidence.

The class fell in silence as they comprehended his answer.

"That's extremely wrong!!!" The Teacher thought to himself reacting at Mr. Bakugo thought to themselves.

"....I retract my last statement...He made this one on a whim...HOW DOES HE MAKE THIS UP!?!?!" Izuku thought to himself trying to decipher as to why Bakugo's answer is so wrong.

"Mr. Bakugo your answer is wrong..." The teacher said causing the calss to be shocked at the reveleation.

"Even Katsuki got it wrong!!!..." The students in class exclaimed.

"Tch, that'll show you..." Mr. Todoroki said quietly amused that Bakugo got his answer wrong.

Lets just say Mr. Bakugo didn't take it very well.

Izuku The Timelord: Early AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now