Big Announcement

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It's been a while, like a few months and stuff. And I know some of you guys are thinking "When is NuclearLobsterMan ever going to update Izuku The Timelord?". And my answer to that is, no I'm not going to update this book anymore. The reason being is because I've hit a slump, what I mean by slump I mean I don't know how I can update this story further.

And it's not because I lost creativity and love for this fanfic, no it's bc I simply can't keep on continuing at this pace. The story is taking too long to actually get interesting, and add in my awful update schedule. You get a story that barely gets updated, and an author who  gets mentally drained just thinking about this book. So I just decided to not update this book anymore...

But I do have some good news, bc I won't entirely shelve this book. More of so I'm going to rewrite it, and no I'm not going to waste my time with backstory first then main plot. I've learnt that mistake by just reading this book. Instead I'm just going to start it off normally then do whatever I did at first, I honestly can't remember why I thought doing backstory first was a good idea.

But yeah, sorry for those who wanted to see what my original plan for this story was like. But I do hope to make up for it by presenting this new version of Izuku The Timelord that I've been cooking for a short while now. I'm still not yet done with the first chapter, I'm around 2,600 word +, going for 5000+ words. I'll probably release it sooner or later. Depends if I have the free time to focus more on it.

Also I won't be deleting all of this work, I'm keeping it as a reminder. The rewrite will be an entirely different book in itself. And that's about it, that's the big announcement. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this version of the book. And hope you guys would enjoy the newer one I have in store!

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