Chapter 9: A Promise

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The Doctor's POV

I was just sitting down right beside my sleeping son. I stopped ruffling his hair after a while, though I do admit. His hair is extremely soft and fluffy. I wonder what conditioner does he use? Or maybe it's an inherited trait? I did have very curly and fluffy hair when I was younger, especially during my first few incarnations. Wait, don't I still have fluffy hair? I mean it is straighter and wispier than before...But is it still soft? Because last time I checked it was very sharp and pointy, a bit soft but rugged at the same time...Though I do remember it also being in a bit of a mess. Just like Izuku's hair, huh. What a coincidence...

My son and I both have the same unkept hairstyle, though mines a bit stylish and his is fluffier. But a coincidence nonetheless!...What would've it been like if Izuku met my te-ninth incarnation? What would they relate to? Because I certainly know that Izuku doesn't have big ears like me years ago. I do miss those ears...I also do miss that leather jacket I wore...Though a bit tacky, it was very comfy...What I certainly don't miss is his chose of outfit! I mean it screamed middle-aged biker man for God's sake! Especially those boots! Why did I even wear those boots in the first place!? They were so soldier boy like and made lots and lots of noise!...I should've gone for sneakers at that time...

Wait did I go into one of my own ramblings again?...I did didn't I? Sigh, I really do need to work on that. Never knew hitting 903 would be the age were I ramble on about nonsense...But don't I always ramble on about random nonsense? I honestly don't know anymore...903...It's been 903 years huh? That long? I've been alive for that long...and yet its felt like I've been alive for longer...How long can I keep on doing this? How long can I keep on running and running and running? Until I get exhausted...I already am exhausted...I've done so many things already, I've saved so many people...and I've also killed so many many people...My hands are drenched in the blood of billions...So many children were on Gallifrey that day...2.47 billion souls...gone...

Wait...I heard ruffling, the ruffling of fabric and clothing. I turn my head to the side, focusing on my son mostly. And immediately noticing that he was about to wake up, his eyes threatened to open. After a few seconds of suspense I see his eyes were now open. Having a dazed and sleepy look in his eyes. Must've been the serum draining him of energy, or it could be him just waking up. Then I saw him blinking a bit, I think adjusting to the sudden blare from the light above.

I should probably adjust the lights later on for his eyes. He then slowly sits up, then stretching his arms out a bit. Hearing the release of escaping gasses turning into bubbles then making that oh so satisfying popping noise whenever you stretch is absolutely terrific! After that I hear him yawning, while stretching one more. Before finally stopping and placing his arms on his lap, still wearing the same dazed look on his face.

I should probably say something shouldn't I? But that would startle him, and I'd rather not ruin his mood. Though I do notice that he hasn't noticed me yet, probably the sleep inertia. Probably? Or most likely? Anyways, I then watch as he looks around for a minute. Turning his head to the right and looking off into the distance. Then Turning his head to my side directly noticing me sitting beside him. I froze in place, I didn't know why but I just did.

...And he then turned his head with the same dazed look and faced forward. Before falling back and sinking into his comfy medical bay pillow, about to fall asleep again. Wait, did he not notice me? Or is he that dazed? I didn't know what to do but just sit their in absolute silence. Wearing a blank stare, still thinking about what had just happened. But as I was thinking, Izuku suddenly sat back up and turned to my direction in a snap. Looking at me with shock in his eyes...

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