Chapter 7: A Battle For The Mind

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No One's POV

Izuku still held unto the wall for his dear life, still afraid that he'll lose the wall. As his body shook in fear at the sight of the dark and ominous white hallway. He didn't know how he got here, as he was just in a bright school hallway, with no people in it. But now he was in this hallway with no memory of ever travelling through a portal to get here or simply standing up and walking here.

All he knew was that he was brought to this hallway for a reason. And the reason being is that he needed to travel to the end of the hallway and enter the dark and mysterious door. It was a simple purpose in the eyes of many, but not in Izuku's eyes. As he was too scared of what lies behind that door, was it another painful memory?

Was it the times when he would be ostracized and ridiculed by his classmates because of his Quirklessness? Was it the times when Kokoro would test her Quirk on him, and punch him with fast speed so many times? Was it the times when he was always forgotten by his parents? Or was it something even more worse?

As these thoughts plagued his mind, once again theorizing what could be behind that door. The anxiety of not knowing what is behind that door terrifies him as he shook even more with fear. This fear of his is common in many people, the fear of the unknown. As Izuku wasn't used to not being able to predict and prepare himself for what's to come.

As he gripped the wall even more, trying to dig his nails into the wall. Making sure that he won't let go of the wall, since he felt as if that was the only bastion of support he had. Even though it only supported his back, it was support nonetheless. And he doesn't want to lose the only support he had.

"I...I don't want to watch...Not again...Never again..." Izuku said.

As he whispered it gently clearly protesting against the thought of going through that again. As he slowly relaxed unto the wall, letting out a shaky breath. Trying to relax the rest of his body, mostly his shaky legs and his hands that were digging into the wall. He wanted to relax, he wanted to reassess this situation, as he always does. But the fear in his heart and his shaky demeanor prevented that.

"Breath...Just breath Izuku...Relax..." Izuku said.

Talking to himself, trying to relax himself. As soon as he did that his shaky legs slowly stabilized, until the shaking had subsided. Next was his hands digging into the wall behind him, as he tried to fill his thoughts with something else other than fear. He tried telling himself that everything is going to be okay, that he won't have to go through what he had gone through just a while ago.

But even he doubted his own supportive words, he wasn't sure if it would continue. He wasn't sure if the suffering had ended or stopped already. He wasn't even sure with himself and his ability to even reassure himself that everything will be okay. He didn't know how to think everything's going to be okay, he always expected the worst in every situation.

So his plan to comfort himself had failed, as he retreated to his own thoughts. Trying again once more, as if he hadn't done so many times before. He's done this multiple times to the point of insanity for some.

"Just relax, Izuku...Just think happy thoughts instead...Happy thoughts..." Izuku said to himself.

As a long pause then continued.

"How do I think of happy thoughts...?" Izuku said to himself.

Clueless as to how to think of proper happy thoughts, it was hard as it is. But added with doing it on his own in a situation he fears. Thinking of somewhat joyous thoughts would be a miracle in Izuku's eyes. Before Izuku could be saddened at the inept attempt of trying to think of happy thoughts.

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