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"Hedwig!" Harry yelled and the death eaters knew. The dead bird dropped and hit me. I let out a scream as I fell off my broom. I was holding on with my hands and saw a cruise ship headed at us. I kicked off of it so I didn't hit it. I looked around and the others were apparating to the Weasley's burrow. I was one of the last people. I struggled to get on my broom and another ship came at me. A cloud of black smoke came below me and I was helped onto the broom.

"Thank you, Professor," I said, knowing it was Snape. He swirled around me and left me alone. I got to the apparition area and was the last one to get to the burrow. I went in and everyone was crowded around the couch. George had lost an ear and Molly was wiping the blood off. We heard a noise outside and ran out to see death eaters drop out of the sky. Lucius and Narcissa were there too.

"Carissa, dear, come here," Narcissa said and everyone looked at me as I slowly went up to her. She gave me a hug and removed some of Hedwig's feathers from my hair.

"Take her through the grass," Lucius set a hand on my back and Narcissa took my hand. She pulled me through the grass as fast as we could go and we heard laughing and screaming behind us. I turned and saw the Burrow on fire.

"Carissa!" I heard Harry yell. Narcissa stopped and looked at me.

"I'm to leave you here. You're bait to lure the others," she disappeared in black smoke and I looked around.

"Harry!" I called.

"Carissa!" Harry reached me. Ron came from my left and Aurthur to my right.

"Kids, come here," he ordered and we all went behind him. Bellatrix, Fenrir, and Lucius came from where we three just were and we made a run for it. We ran back to the Burrow where Molly was holding her children with tears in her eyes. They watched as their home burned down slowly. They watched as they couldn't do anything to stop it. I went to Ron and gave him a hug. We both held on and he sighed. The Weasley's were upset and sad. I didn't blame them.

"It's my fault they're going through this," Harry sat with me on the stairs. "It's all my fault. I've put you in danger too."

"It's okay, Harry. I already told you. You're my brother and I'm here for you. I'm your inside eyes. I'm your spy. I'm your sister."

"Which is why I should be protecting you instead of dragging you into everything."

That's how our Christmas holidays went. 6th year started and Draco was back in school. He kept his circle of friends which were just Crabbe and Goyle. Snape was our Headmaster and had hired the Carrows as security who always stood with him and made sure everyone behaved. Harry, Ron, and Hermione weren't here this year and I was just close with Loren. No one else.

"Carissa," Draco called and ran to me in the hall.

"Leave me alone, Draco," I said and went to walk away.



"Just like that our friendship is gone?"

"I didn't know what I was getting myself into, Malfoy. Leave me alone." I pulled my wrist away from him and walked with Loren. We went to our classes and then lunch. When we didn't have classes, we were all planning and talking about information. Every night, I'd write every bit of news and send it to Harry through my owl. I never got in trouble and no one suspected anything. I got to transfigurations early and the Carrows watched me.

"Where is your brother?" They asked.

"I-I'm not sure," I said.

"Where is he?" They asked again.

"I don't know."

"Alecto! Amycus!" Snape snapped and they turned to him. "She. Is. Safe," Snape said. "Monitor the other classes." They nodded and left.

"How long am I safe for, Professor?" I asked Snape.

"Forever. The Dark Lord has made it so. You're a Slytherin and all Slytherin's are safe. Especially you. He needs someone with your logic," Snape said and I nodded.

"Where is Potter?"

"He told me he would be here this year, sir," I said. "He must be with Ron and Hermione. Hermione would never skip a year unless it was important." He hummed and walked away. McGonagall taught the class and we were all depressed. The school was so gloomy and dark thanks to Snape and everyone was scared of him and the Carrows. We had lunch and I sat on my own, not wanting attention from anyone. Draco came to sit with me and I immediately got up and left the hall. I went to my dorm room and finished my homework before going to my other classes. Loren was quieter and quieter and wouldn't answer questions in class, I was duller, boys weren't walking into doors and walls because of us, and we wanted to just get over the year. School just wasn't the same and it was also more annoying with Draco trying to talk to me. Halfway through the year, he stopped trying. That was after we had an argument in the commons.

"I'm just trying to be your friend again, Carissa!" He yelled.

"I'm not in the mood to be your friend, Malfoy!" I screamed.

"I didn't kill him! It wasn't me! I don't get why you're mad! If it's because of who I'm associated with, I don't know what to tell you! You accepted me before!"

"I learned. I was naive, Malfoy! I didn't think my entire life was about to become hell!"

"So we're just done like that?" He scoffed.

"Yes," I stated.

"Alright, fine, Potter. Go ahead! I never want to see you or talk to you again!"

"The feeling is mutual!" I stated and we both went into our dorm rooms. I had a pounding headache that night.

Meant To Be?: Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now