I could hear some more shuffling around out there and it almost sounded like...Naruto? The hell?

I was about to get out, but then I was immediately stopped.

"'Research'? Yeah, right! That's just an excuse to peek at the girls in the bath house!"

That was clearly Naruto. I grabbed the towel and blocked myself.

The women around me widened their eyes and then ran out screaming, while covering themselves. I sighed with annoyance. Once I find out who was peeking, they're going to die. I know it wasn't Naruto, since he just yelled at someone for it. 

I got dressed and rushed out. I decided to sneak up on them to see who it was.

Once I figured out where they were, I immediately spotted Naruto. Ebisu looked unconscious while lying on the ground, but my heart stopped once I saw who was with them.

Long, fluffy white hair. Green kimono with matching pants.

It couldn't be. Was this a joke?

A mixture of emotions were stirring inside me. Hurt, anger, relief, and sadness.

I had to mentally prepare myself before I went up to them. 

The famous Toad-Sage turned to face Naruto, but he saw me. He stopped in his tracks and we made eye contact.

"Huh? Hello?!" Naruto waved his hands in his face. "Hey, pervert? What's the matter with you?!"

I couldn't read the emotions on his face, but I could see a hint of pain in his eyes.

I took a deep breath and walked up to them. Naruto turned around and looked at me with confusion and then Jiraiya.

He was about to speak, but I cut him off.

"You know I can hear you both very clearly, right?"

"Hey! I wasn't the one doing it!" Naruto defended and pointed at Jiraiya. "It was this dirty old man here!"

"Oh believe me, I know," I replied and looked at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya gave him a look for calling him a "dirty old man" and started telling him to not call him that. 

I was hurt that he left me, after I lost everyone. I was angry that he didn't even try to reach out to me, when I looked up to him like a second father. I was relieved to know that he's okay and alive Well, he obviously was, but still. I was sad when I remembered the day he just disappeared on me.

"Lord Hokage?" I asked, walking in his office.

"What is it Hana?"

"Where is Jiraiya-Sensei? I've looked everywhere for him. I need to talk to him, but when I stopped by his apartment, it was empty,"

He had an unreadable expression on his face and looked out the window. "I don't know. This isn't the first time he's done this..."

"So he just left then? Without saying goodbye?"

I understand if losing Uncle Minato hurt him, but why the hell did he just leave without saying anything to me?

I decided not to say anything, since Naruto was right here.  I wouldn't be able to keep anything a secret if I did say something.

I looked at Naruto and gave him a smile. "I have to go, but I'll see you around,"

I turned to leave.

Knowing him, he'd come talk to me later. 

However, it was comforting to know that Naruto will know him too.

To Heal a Broken Heart (Sequel to Torn Between Two)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin