Chapter 23

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A month had passed and right now, I was currently getting ready to go to the hot springs.

Anko and Kurenai were going to come with me. We wanted a hangout after we all had made up finally. We kept trying to plan it for weeks, but Kurenai was busy with her students and Anko was busy on missions.

I left my house and walked to Kurenai's. 

I knocked on the door and Asuma answered it.

"Oh, hi Hana," He said. "Kurenai wanted me to tell you that a last-minute mission came up. She had to leave with her students and she said she's really sorry,"

I sighed. 

I wasn't mad, since it wasn't her fault, but I was a bit irritated. This keeps happening. I know she doesn't mean to, but it's just annoying how busy we all are now.

"It's okay," I replied. "I'll talk to her when she gets back. See you," 

Asuma waved and then shut the door.

Anko came running up to me as soon as I left Kurenai's house.

She panted. "Hey, I feel really bad, but I have to take a rain check. Lord Hokage wanted to talk to me about the whole Orochimaru thing. I'm sorry,"

I hid my slight annoyance. 

"It's okay," I reassured. "We'll just have to try and plan it another time,"

She gave me an apologetic look and left for the Hokage's Tower. Again, I'm not mad at them. I'm just a bit annoyed that every time we try to hang out, we're all busy.

Looks like I'm just going to the hot springs by myself. I really needed it after months of stress from the stupid rogue ninjas. 

I started walking to the hot springs, pushing any thoughts that would stress me out away for now. I just wanted one day without stress. I wanted one day where I could just feel content for once. 

Sometimes I wished I was a kid again. 

My only worries back then were becoming Hokage and training. Now, I'm stressed over the whole situation, Naruto, and hiding my true identity.

The receptionist gave me a smile when I walked in. "Hello, how may we help you today?"

I paid for a few hours in the hot springs and she handed me a complimentary white fluffy robe with a bag to put my things in. Then handed me a key for the lockers.

I immediately got out of my clothes and put the towel in the locker around me to go out. There was a lot of women here today. I felt a little lonely since they all seemed to be hanging out and yet I'm here alone without my friends.

I would've invited Naomi too, but she said she's caught up with family drama.

Naomi, Kurenai, and Anko are my only female friends I have. 

I took the towel off and immediately got inside. 

This was the best feeling ever. The water was the perfect temperature. It wasn't too hot or too cold, and my stress felt like it was melted away.

I stayed like this for an hour. 

I finally felt like I was at peace.

But of course, my peace was immediately ended.

"Hey! Are you peeking into the women's bath, old man?! I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS DISREPUTABLE BEHAVIOR!"

I was right next to a wall where I could clearly hear someone out there. I felt self conscious and sunk lower into the water. No one else seemed to have heard them.

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