Chapter 21

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The next morning, all the genin made it to the tower. Anko and I were standing with the Hokage and there was a guy on the screen telling us that we need to do a preliminary round since there are twenty-four genin who passed.

I was glad to hear that Naruto was doing good. I was hoping he would pass.

"For the time being, we're going to continue the exams as planned, but I want to keep an eye on his movements," The Hokage said to Anko and I, about Orochimaru.

I had this terrible feeling in my gut and I hated it. 

The three of us walked onto the platform with the jounin who recommended their students here.

I let Anko do the talking again since I wasn't in a talking mood. I hate public speaking anyway.

"Alright now pay attention!" Anko shouted, getting their attention. "Lord Hokage is going to explain the Third Exam to you. You better listen carefully, maggots!"

"Lord Hokage, they're all yours." Anko bowed and he stepped in front of us to speak. 

He's going to make that speech again. I remembered it was hard to keep focused on his long speech. Some of the genin here were interrupting him. It was Naruto mainly.

Hayate took over. Anko started arguing with the Hokage about Sasuke being in the exams because of his curse mark, again. He made it clear that he's going to stay in, as long as it doesn't spiral out of control. 

I turned the screen to show who'll be fighting against who and then the preliminary rounds started. I spaced out at the first few matches and realized I needed to talk to Kakashi about what happened. 

 "Is it okay if I go stand with Kakashi?" I asked the Hokage. "I'll be back,"

He nodded and I quietly thanked him.

I walked over to Naruto and Sakura, but I realized Kakashi wasn't there.

"Oh hey Hana!" Naruto waved.

Sakura turned around and smiled at me, but I could tell there was something bothering her. 

"Hey guys," I fake smiled. "Where's Kakashi at?"

"He's with Sasuke," Sakura replied. "They took him to the infirmaries,"

I nodded.

"Well, I'll just stand here with you guys then," I said.

Naruto started telling me about how his experience with the Forest of Death was. I grew angry at the thought of Orochimaru causing them trouble. I already had a bad feeling about him, but if he hurts Naruto in any shape or form, I'm kicking his ass.

We watched a boy from the Aburame clan fight against a Sound ninja and I shuddered at the sight of him using beetles.

"There was always a reason why I avoided them," I remarked. "I hate bugs. I remember this one time a boy from the Aburame clan scared me with spiders,"

"Shino isn't that bad," Naruto replied. "He's kind of weird, but he's not a bad guy,"

"I know he probably isn't," I replied. "But it's just the fact that there are bugs living inside of him that freaks me out. Also, it's mainly spiders that I hate,"

Sakura looked grossed out at the thought of bugs living inside of someone.

I started talking more with Naruto and Sakura about my experience in the chunin exams since Naruto asked me about it.

I told him about how Kuroshi nearly had me in a bind and Guy jumped in to save me at the time. 

"Hey, Lee did the same thing for me," Sakura said. 

To Heal a Broken Heart (Sequel to Torn Between Two)Where stories live. Discover now