Chapter 8

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Raph's POV

I woke up and started pushing the debris off me. I run into the lair to see it destroyed. I see April banging on a blue forcefield. I stare in shock. "Winter!" I yell. I bang on the shield. I see Sensei in there too.... She protected Sensei!

I grab my sai and stab the shield repeatedly until it breaks. "Winter! Winter! Babygirl can you hear me?!" She started coughing dryly. She looks at me weakly and nodded. I put her down on the ground gently and go to Master Splinter. April found the first aid kit, and was treating him.

April came up to me. "He said go find your brothers, and Stop Shredder" I stared at her then Sensei. Well, Sensei is always wise and right. I nodded my head and April and I ran towards Winter.

"W-what happened to Splint-" I cut her off.
"It's ok babe, he's fine, but we gotta save my brothers and stop Shredder 'kay." She nodded her head. She sat up slowly, she wobbled a bit before she got her balance.

She nodded and we ran towards the exit of the lair. I grabbed my brothers weapons, and put it on my gear. "We need a ride" April said. She looked at Winter with a smirk, and Winter blushed and looked away. I was so goddamned confused.

Winter's POV

I only knew the real reason why she called Vern... It's because he has a crush on me and I used to like him. But I got over that crush, after I met Raphael.

Vern's van came in and Raphael and I found a "secret" way in. He and I hid in the Shadows of the Truck. We were listening to what they we're saying.

"What do you guys want to do? You want to head downtown?"

"Eric Sacks is working for the Foot Clan. They just kidnapped the vigilante turtles to take them to the Sacks Estate. We need to go; Come on Vern!"

"Right, Right, Right. Turtles, I forgot.... You know this is getting embarrassing, O'Neil, We're consenting adults, we're all very good looking, Winter is very good looking  probably *cough* That's up for debate"

I blush when he says that. Raph starts growling. Awww he's jelly! 💗(I'm sorry I had too! 🤣)

"But the point is, we don't need to make up excuses for you and Winter to hang out with me."


"You guys want to spend more time with me, I get it, I would too."

"We need to get to the Sacks estate, right now come on Vern! Come on!"

"That's what I am telling you about April! The Sacks estate, the vigilan-" Raph had enough and slammed his hands against the seat. "DRIVE!" Raph orders. I walk up in front of him. "U-um hey V-vern" I wave nervously.

He looks at me and blushes. "O-oh uh Winter! Um, you didn't hear anything before did you?" Raph growls and pushes me behind him. He gets in his face. "Drive" He says in a dark tone.

"U-um your a talking turtle"
"Yeah.. Yeah I'm a turtle and your a human nerd, now that we got that out of the way, hit it!" Raph backs away slowly and sits down on his knees and brings me in his lap.

"I've never been accused of being a nerd before, but... I'm sorry, how did you two get in--How did he get in... " He looks at us with confusion, until April nudges him to start driving.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Raphael x OC)Where stories live. Discover now