Lights, Cameras, Action

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A/N - So Aelia's powers are light bending/control, healing/medicine, and foresight (she is an oracle).

"Lia" Terrence's warm voice said as a hand brushed my hair behind my ear. "Wake up it's time for dinner" He says stirring me out of my nap. The light from the sun set reflecting off the lake met my eyes causing me to squint as I open them. "How long was I out for?" I asked Terrence letting out a loud yawn. Terrence laughed at my yawn before saying "a few hours sleeping beauty".

"Didn't realize how tired I was, thanks for letting me use u as a pillow" I laughed taking Terrence's hand as he pulled me up from the grass. "Any time" Terrence laughs throwing an arm around my shoulder as we started to walk to the dinning hall. "You do make the best pillow" I laughed and Terrence chuckled with me.  "Do I now?" He said raising an eyebrow laughing at me. "Yes, the very best" I giggled.

As we joined our friends at the dinner table we were automatically bombarded with talk of tomorrow. Apparently it's Valentine's Day tomorrow. Oh wait! It is, I completely forgot. I usually don't care too much about this holiday, mainly cause I spend it alone every year.

Lory was gushing to me how Oliver asked her to the Valentine's Day dance tomorrow night. "Wait since when were you and Olie a thing?" I asked her in shock. "Since that pick-nick we all did together, I spent the whole time talking with him and since then I've had a crush on him" she explained to me. "Ouch, and I'm just now hearing about this?" I said faking hurt.

"I thought I talked to you about it? Oh wait it was Lila I talked to" Lory said. "Huh?" Lila responded from hearing her name. "I was just telling Aelia how me and Oliver are going to the dance together tomorrow" Lory said. "Are you going with someone?" I asked Lila. "Oh yes! I'm going with Jordan!" Lila said excitedly.

"Wait u have a thing with our head of Apollo cabin?" I asked in shock. "Yhea didn't I talk to you about it? Oh wait no I talked to Lory about it when you were on that mission" Lila said. "Wow I leave for one day to help someone and two of my friends had gossip hour without me" I laughed. "Sorry love" Lory said as I waved her off. "It's all good" I laughed.

Amanda came running up to the table excitedly. "Guess who just asked me to the dance tomorrow night?!" Amanda squealed. "Caspian!?" The three of us responded all knowing very well the crush Amanda has on him. "Yes!" Amanda said and we all celebrated excitedly with her. "Great now all of us has dates except for Aelia" Lila said looking pointedly at me. The boys sitting across from us all looked up from their food like they just realized what we were talking about.

Oliver and Jordan looked to their new girlfriends then to me. Caspian came over and sat down across from Amanda looking confused at how everyone was just quietly staring at me. "What's happening?" He asked confused. "The girls were gushing about their dates with you, Oliver, and Jordan and said how Aelia is the last one to need a date" Terrence responded to Caspian who nodded in understanding.

Oliver and Jordan looked back at me and then to Terrence, then back to me and the girls. "Well you better hurry and find a date then" Lory said in shock I didn't have a date. "But what if I just don't go with anyone and hang with you guys?" I asked. The girls scoffed at me. "Like a seventh wheel" Amanda said also shocked no one has asked me.

"Wait don't you and Ter.." Caspian started saying before Terrence shoved a piece of bread in his mother. "Shut it" Terrence said to him with a light blush appearing on his face. I ignored the boys and looked back to the girls. Just as I was about to say something to defend myself some guy from another cabin came walking up to our table.

I didn't pay attention as he introduced himself. All I heard was "I was wondering if Aelia would like to go to the dance tomorrow with me?" "No thanks" I said casually and watched as he awkwardly left the table with no care. "Damn that was cold, you didn't even give the poor guy a chance" Lila laughed.

"I don't even know who that person is" I said rolling my eyes. "Aelia you have all types of admirers here, so you should have no problem finding a date if you so choose to" Amanda said before changing the conversation from dates to tales from our mission earlier. I told everyone about my new found skills and helped with the story telling. Our friends listened excitedly.

However I couldn't shake the feeling of Terrence's eyes remaining on me the whole time...

Till next time my lovely readers...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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