Training and Camp Fires

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Now I'm all for learning I'm half god and getting to learn how to fight and go on adventures but explain to me why Terrence Jackson is waking me up at the ass crack of dawn and dragging me along side Jordan to the training grounds. The sun is just starting to rise and the air is still cold. I am not in the mood to be up this early.

The three of us eat an early breakfast before the ass kicking begins. And the ass being kicked is mine. Terrence shows me the basics to sword fighting as he attacks and I'msupposed to block and attack back. But instead I'm only managing to dodge the attacks.

"Terri I'm not getting this at all" I said already exhausted and taking a minute to breath. I'm way to out of shape. "I can tell. Jordan any thoughts?" Terrence says giving me an amused look before looking at my head of cabin. "Well she's an Apollo child so maby she will be better with a bow and arrow." Jordan said from his 'supervising' position.

"Great idea!" Terrence said like the thought never occurred to him. I rolled my eyes. I was then handed a bow and arrow as Jordan started to explain and show me how to use it. Terrence started setting up targets for practice. Once he's out of the way I start shooting arrows at the target. I miss every single one. I also managed to almost hit Terrence and Jordan while they stood behind me. Don't ask. I don't know.

"Don't worry you will get it, try keeping your elbow down and breathing out when you release" Jordan encouraged me ruffling my hair messing up my ponytail. I huffed out in frustration before trying again. Jordan even got his own bow and arrow to show me so I could copy him.

We go at it for hours until Lila shows up. Lila and Terrance are really close because their dads were the closest of friends. Lila claims she only sees him as a brother which oddly settled my nerves for some reason. "Hay Ter, Lia. And Jordan right?" Lila greeted us. Jordan nodded his hello. "How's it going?" Lila continued. Thats when I realized its noon now and campers have been training all around us and it's been lunch time.

"Well Aelia here hasn't been able to shoot one arrow at least on the outer ring of the targets, which is really odd for an Apollo child, and can't even grasp the concept of a sword. So were trying to find a weapon she's good with to train her " Terrence said making me pout.

My face was red from all the exertion I put on myself and I began to feel heavy and hungry. "We'll thats okay. She must have different talents. How about the four of us go get lunch and then after lunch I'll help you guys train Aelia in hand combat until we can find a weapon suitable for her." Lila offered making me breath out in thanks. Terrence and Jordan took not of my exhaustion and moodiness before agreeing.

Lila and Jordan striked up some conversation and laughed amongst  themselves while Terrence and I traveled behind them in silence.
Terrence gave me a small smile which I returned. He then looked at Lila and Jordan and the smiles they had before raising his eyebrows in a smirk. I caught on when gave me the 'u seeing this' look. I nodded and returned the smirk.

Lila and Jordan do seem to be rather flirty. Cute Jordan is a great guy and already like the older brother I never had so its good to see him happy. "Hay you okay" Terrence asked me when my smile faded back to my far away look. "I guess. I mean my mum only just abandoned me a week ago and now I can't even do the one thing I'm supposed to do right" I said.

Terrence, for the proud goof ball he is tends to be a good listener. "No one is expecting you to be perfect you just got here. No one here could fight the way they do know on their first day. And maby your not meant for swords or a bow and arrow." Terrence started.

"And about you mom, so she left you here and told you not to come home, that goes to show maby she doesn't deserve you and you shouldn't take it to heart cause she obviously has her own problems that she is reflecting on you" Terrence finished saying making me feel slightly better.

"You're right" I said giving him a genuine smile. "About which one" Terrence said giving me a cheeky smile like he knew what I was saying but wanted to hear me say it out right. "About both things, I'll figure out my weapon and I shouldn't let my moms problems bring me down. Thank you" I said making him smile more. "Anytime Lia" Terrence said.

The four of us had a good lunch break. It consisted of Terrence and I trying to one up exachother and arguing like 3 year olds. Jordan laughing and making jokes about us. And Lila laughing at all three of us and adding to my very valid point that Terrence is a child. But a very adorable confident child, although I didn't say that.

The four of us returned back to our training spot "Okay I say you try nives and dual dagger fighting which is what I do" Lila offered as an idea. "Terrance, Lila, and Jordan took turns fighting with me and our weapons only I was trying out a new weapon every turn.

"I'm doing pretty good with two blades but its just not comfortable" I said after the sun began to set and we tried almost every weapon on the camp. "You have tried every weapon this camp owns or knows about and still nothing?" Terrence said sounding exasperated. "Sorry" I said frowning. "You don't need to apologize. Its fine maby your just not the fighter type or weapon type" Terrence said his expression lightning his expression when he saw my frown.

"I don't know she was doing good with combat it's just finding a weapon that suits her" Jordan said. "Well we tried every Roman and Greek style weapon" Lila said confused. "Maby Aelia is ment for fighting with a non Greek or Roman style" Jordan said. "Anyways its getting late. We need dinner and to go enjoy the bonfire" Terrence said making me breath out happy that the work is done for the day.

"Don't look so relieved we will be back at it tomorrow, maby Oliver or Amanda has an idea of how to help you." Terrence said making me frown again. Jordan gave Terrence a shut up look before putting an arm around me. "Cheer up he's just being a jerk. Don't worry about tomorrow yet. Enjoy the rest of the evening first" Jordan said calming my nerves.

I just hope I can figure out my special abilities and fighting style soon. I don't want to be a disappointment. I need to have a purpose, I just have to find it. 

After dinner I sat with Lory, Amanda, Lila, Oliver, Terrence, and Jordan near the giant bonfire that the Hephaestus kids made for us. "I would like to start by saying that I had put more towards starting the fire" oliver said bowing to us. "Whatever, just cause you lit up the wood everyone else collected means nothing" Amanda said rolling her eyes. I laughed making Amanda proud of herself.

The seven of us spent the rest of the night watching the stars enjoying the fires warmth and telling stories. I learned more about the big seven and how Terrence,Lila,Oliver, and Amanda's parents saved the Greek and Roman gods.

I heard more stories of how the others grew up living in this demigod camp. Hearing more of how the camp went from two split camps that didn't know about the other to one metropolis is amazing.

My childhood stories aren't nearby as amazing as theirs but I share anyways. Mainly stories of when my mom and I were close and spent a lot of time together. I also learned that Terrence, Lila, Oliver, and Amanda are considered legacies since their parents are demigods. Very cool.

Everyone soon splits up to go to their cabins and I fallow Lory and Jordan back to Apollo cabin. "You know, I am so happy I got to meet you, it's only been a week but I can tell you are going to be my best friend for life" Lory said making me smile. "I'm happy I got to meet you as well" I said giving her a hug.

I went to sleep that night happy. In one week I managed to make six of the best friends I will ever have and learned that being dyslexic and ADHD just means I can read greek and I am a demigod. I'm not to excited to go through more torture of finding a weapon but I have a feeling things are going to work out for me tomorrow, like a really strong gut feeling.

AND YET ANOTHER CHAPTER!!! this one was more of a filler so apologies for the short length. I hope you enjoyed it and stick around for more. Also plz plz plz go check out my other works. I got a spiderman (tom holland) fanfic, Blaise Zabini fanfic, and a Harry Potter fanfic all for my Harry potter and Marvel fans!

Till next time my lovely readers...

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