Little Kicks and A Plan?

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A/N: Couldn't choose between the two gifs so you get both. Which is a blessing since it's Dean fucking Winchester. Stay till the end there may be some....tea????


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Happy reading!!!

"Cyn...can you repeat that?" He asked shakily; she takes a deep breath and nods her head. "The baby might not be yours...Drake could be the father," her voice was shaky as she spoke; tears filled her eyes.

His eyes flashed black, and the fireplace burst into flames behind him, making Cynthia jump and swallow thickly. She couldn't tell if he was angry or not, which only worried her. She really wished that she could read his mind right now.

He stands abruptly, running his hands over his face taking everything in. He wasn't angry, just shocked at the news, his heart sunk a little, but that didn't change how he felt about the baby or Cynthia. If anything, he still saw the baby as his just as Ben did with him.

"He might not be mine?, I wasn't expecting that," he says breathlessly, looking around the room. "Michael...I'm sorry...just please don't hate me, or the baby," she pleaded through her tears, assuming that he was about to leave her or tell her that he didn't want the baby.

Michael looks at her with furrowed brows and tear-filled eyes. Even though it didn't change how he, felt it still was emotional to find out.

"Cyn...I would never hate you, or our son. Don't ever say that," he tells her sternly. She is filled with relief. He comes back and sits in front of her again, taking her hands in his.

"This is just a theory, right?" He asks seriously. Cynthia nods her head, "yeah," she says, her voice was like a whisper as tears still fell from her face.

"Okay," he breathes, taking one of his hands through his long locks before placing it back on Cynthia's. "There is still a chance he's biologically mine. and even if he isn't that's fine it doesn't matter," he tells her. She cocks her head and furrows her brows.

"How do you not hate me? How are you not running for the hills right now? Most guys would make a big deal and hate me and the baby and would leave us behind." She states, she was so afraid of his reaction that she convinced herself that he was going to leave her and the baby.

He looks at her disbelievingly for a moment, "get over here," he tells her. Cynthia gets up and straddles his lap, wrapping her hands around the back of his neck. His hands, wrapping around her lower back as he stared at her lovingly.

"How is that even a question?" He asked, "I love you and our baby," he tells her. "No matter what, I'm going to love him as much as a did before you told of this possabilty, you know why?"

She shakes her head, letting a few more tears fall, "because he's a part of you, baby. Because even if he isn't related to me by blood, he will always be my son he's connected to the most amazing woman, apart of the person I love the most." He explains, tears falling from his eyes now as he told her.

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