Chapter 1 : The Beginning

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"Gun... Gun Panganiban." I said.

"Hello Gun my name is Sylvia and this is my husband named Felocio." The woman said.

"We already have two sons and to be honest with you they are already in a relationship." The woman asked that made me shock.

" W-what? H-how?" I said.

"Because the other one is adopted but not legally so it's okay... I told you that Incase you will see my two son and you will see them sweet so you will not be confused anymore." She said.


"I hope you're not homophobic and you're okay with that." The woman said.

"It's okay... to be honest with you... I'm Gay." I shyly said.

"Oh really that's okay but I wish you will not have a crush on Newwie because Tay is a bit possessive." Miss Sylvia said.

"Okay." I said.

"You can tell me if you need anything okay? don't be shy specially your in our care. Do you have anything with you? clothes? cellphone?" She asked.

"No... The landlord didn't give me a chance to pack my things up so I just left the house without carrying anything." I said.

"That's too bad, well Nanny check the storage room as far as I remember Tay and New's old clothes are there, You can use that for the mean time okay?" I said.

"Thank you Ma'am" I said.

"No problem dear." She said.

"Then we're settled then! Nanny you can tour Gun around, Felocio and I have something to do." Miss Sylvia said.

"Thank you Ma'am, Sir." I said and bowed at them.

Then we went on the first floor and Nanny start touring me around, I'm a bit dizzy because this house is very huge. We're about to go upstairs when we saw a two handsome man walking while they are holding hands.

"Oh hi Nanny, who's that boy beside you?" The Man politely asked.

"He's Gun my grandchild." Nanny answered.

"Oh really Hi my name is Newwie." He said.

"Hello." I don't know but I want to stared at his face.

"My name is Tay, Newwie's boyfriend so if you're attracted to him I guess you have to back off or else I'll punch you." The other man said.

And I saw how Newwie glared Tay, Their relationship is kinda cute. I wish that I will also experience that kind of love.

Ma'am Sylvia is right, Tay is really a "Bit" Possesive.

"It's not like that I'm sorry. Nice to meet you Tay." I said.

"by the way we have to go, we're going on a date today so see you later." Newwie said then they already left.

We went to the storage room and I saw the "Old clothes" That Ma'am Sylvia is saying. They are all branded clothes and some of them are from luxurious brands like Gucci.

This is Insane!

After that we're in the maids quarter and Nanny show where will I sleep, The bed look small but it's actually bigger that my previous bed. Nanny also introduce me to all the maids and they all happy to have me here. They told me that I will be their baby in the house and I laugh because of that.

They told me I look a small baby and they were shock when then knew about my real age.

I kind of appreciate how they didn't pry on what happened to me. They didn't ask me what happened, how did I get here, How I met Nanny. Maybe because they respect my privacy and that's the reason why I'm comfortable with them.

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