Chapter 12 : Farewell

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Gun's Point of View

"I will leave the café to you Love, I know that I trained you well and I know that the café will be safe in your hands. I'm not the owner of the café but I lead that café for a long time and because of that I know that you're the person who will lead the café when I'm gone." Kel said.

"Yes Kel, I will not fail you I promise that." Love said.

"Why not me Kel? I know that I can lead the café good too?" Chimon jokingly said.

"You're still messing up making orders so I disagree with that, You're also panicking when taking orders at the cashier! Gun is even more calmer than you." She said and chuckled and because of that Chimon just awkwardly pat his head.

"I know you will improve specially that Love is there to help you, Just stop messing around the café." Kel said to Chimon.

"huh me? No! I don't want to teach him he's so stressing." Love said.

"You're so mean to me." Chimon said and pouted.

"Isn't it true?" Love fired back.

"It's true hehe." Chimon said.

"You two, don't always fight specially at the café okay? you will scare the costumers because of you two fighting!" Kel said.

"It's just Love! she always pick a fight with me even though I'm not doing anything." Chimon said while pouting his lips and Love just roll his eyes.

Then suddenly someone is calling on Love's phone, I can see that her eyes widen and she answer it immediately.

"Yes dad?"

I know that there's a man on your dorm, care to explain?

"They are my workmates dad, I'm also with Kel so don't worry. We're just having a farewell party."

Okay honey just don't let them sleep there and it's getting too late so you have to finish that farewell party soon.

"Yes dad."

That's all I love you princess we miss you.

"Love you too dad miss you too."

"Before I forgot to tell you, Please be nice to the person who will replace me. You know it's really hard to adjust in a new environment specially if you're not use to it. She or he will make some mistakes but please be patient with her or him. Be kind and understanding and make him or her feel comfortable in the café. Train her or him like how I train all of you okay?" Kel said.

"I promise Kel I will be like you, how you train us and how you thought us on how to work at the café. I promise I will to the same on that newbie." Love said.

"I'm really at ease when I'm hearing those words, I have nothing to worry about." She said and genuinely smile.

"Before I cry here it's getting too late, so I think we have to end this farewell party. Let's all clean up." Kel said.

Then we start cleaning and I can here the soft sob coming from Love and Kel, I can also see the tears that want to came out on Chimon's eyes and because of that my heart break.

Sometimes there's people that will come in our lives, some of them will stay, some of them will leave. There's people that will thought you lesson, directly and indirectly. There's people that will hurt who but there's also people who will love you.

There's a person who will break you but there's also a person who will fix you or... you will just fix yourself.

We can't stop that cycle, it's part of our lives and it's make us who we are now. it's up to us how we handle things in our lives.

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