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It was August 19th today, we have lived in the forest for 2 weeks now, Lexi wasnt coming out of her tent at all, she was a mess, and honestly I couldn't blame her, she hasn't seen her family for weeks, and we were living in some random forest not even in England, I've missed dad too, he's probably dead worried. We tried getting to the nearest police station but it was guarded by guys in millatry suits, which didnt look too inviting.

As we were having some sandwiches we got from a local supermarket, we heared a rustling sound, coming from nearby, me and Nathan assumed it was some wild animal, so we didnt bother paying attention. I felt a cold shiver go down my back and before I could turn my head, I was hit by something heavy, suddenly I hear screaming, but before I could procces what was going on everything went black.

I wake up in some sort of dark cellar room, my head throbbing from the impact of what hit me, u turn my head to see Nathan passed out on the cold floor, I turn to look for Lexi, but she isn't there. A man enters the room, wearing one of those millatery jump suits, so I know that we're in trouble. I continue to lay on the ground pretending to still be out, another dude walks in. "When will they wake up?", the new guy says I realise he has a bit of a weird haircut, something like a army cut with a sort of ponytail in the back, which I would find hillarius if u wasnf locked in a weird cellar room.

"I'm not sure sir" the jump suit guy replies, "but as soon as, they do, they will be taken for trial" he says, what trial? I think to myself, "do you have the papers with you?" The weird haircut guy asks. "No, I figured they are too important to carry around, if one of the MSP's stopped me and found them, our while plan would crumble", "you dare doubt me?!" The guy shouts, "were did you leave them, they need to be burned, before anyone find outs the other ones are fake, we can't risk Europe getting out of iur grip again!"

Wait? What fake papers? What do they mean by europe getting out of their grip? Then it hits me, the agreement of America taking over, wasnt really- but before I can finish my realisation I hear the door slam. Immediately Nathan gets up, which creeps me out a little, "did you hear that, please say you heard it too", I'm too stunned to say anything, after awhile I begin, "so, Europe isn't actually under the American forces? We are free but the papers are fake?!" Nathan stares at me, astonished, "so when we have this whole trial thing or whatever, if we had the proof, we could, we could..." "GET RID OF THE AMERICANS!" We both cheer in the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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