16. Sky town

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"I can't believe it! There has to be an explanation for all this, we have to do something." my eyes are welling up and the tightening in my chest won't ease up.

Every moment Madeline and I were together nothing ever gave me any warnings that she was capable of this, Aiden rests his hands on my shoulders pulling me to him. I'm too worked up to appreciate the closeness.

"Aiden please, we have to go after her, find out the truth, she is my best friend please." I implore him, he looks down at me and sighs.

"We'll wait until morning, when the fog has cleared and we can see if the cure worked if not, we need to find another way, the kingdom and its people come first, but if it does work, we'll make sure everything will be set up for us, to run things while on the road, that's my offer." he counters.

I sigh, I know he's right, Madeline would be long gone by now anyway, I nod, not wanting to say anything in case the tears I've been holding back decide to leave me, I'm going to find the truth.

Either way she needs to be found and brought back here for a trial, I have already sent Nathanial after her.

The morning light drifts over us waking me, my eyes flutter open to the glorious image of Aiden's sleeping face, I smile as I watch his chest rise and fall, his soft lips call to me as he breathes so peacefully, after all we have been through, I'm sure his exhausted, I lift my head a little more to see him better when his eyes open.

"How long have you been watching me." he asks with a smirk.

"Not long enough, go back to sleep." I say raising my hand to his face, he catches my wrist and flips himself over on top of me, pinning me down.

"I can think of better things to do than sleep." Aiden grins, lowering his face to mine.

"Ahem please, remember half the kingdom is here." Aiden and I look over to where Roxy is, straightening out her clothes, Aiden looks back at me remembering where we are, I smile apologetically Aiden sighs and moves off me.

"Ok, the fog has gone let's see if it worked." Roxy says, we all get up and move to my now very weak barrier, it held up better than I thought it would, for my first time at least.

"I think I should go first before I take it down altogether." I say, Aiden walks next to me.

"We go together, I don't think this will last much longer anyway." I sigh, raising my hand to the barrier it dissipates in a light mist letting all of us move forward through the orchard.

The smiles spread wider and wider on all the faces around us as we walk further, no one says a thing, the lack of capium is overwhelming but no one makes a sound as we walk, looking for the tiniest piece, afraid if we make a sound the hopes would be shattered, we get through to the very end before everyone erupts into cheers.

"It's cured!" someone shouts.

"It worked!!!!" says someone else.

Everyone lifts me into the air and carries me through town cheering and spreading the news, the orchard is cured and the capium is gone.

News travels fast and the kingdom is in a full swing celebration. I'm let down at the castle steps, where Aiden stands waiting for me, a proud smile on his face.

Aiden wakes me with kisses the following morning, "Mmmmm, that feels good." I say appreciatively, tangling my fingers in his hair.

Aiden grins widely, a growl rolling through his throat as he prowls up the bed to kiss me, just as his lips touch mine, there is a knock at the door.

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