12. The garden

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When I wake, I find Aiden is gone but a tray of breakfast and a note is left to greet me.

Had to leave early, didn't want to wake you, meet me in the garden when you're ready, love Aiden x.

I finish breakfast quickly, even though I know it hasn't been long since we saw each other, I still can't wait to see him.

I stroll out the doors to the garden, it's a lovely day, the sky is a beautiful blue, not a cloud in sight, the birds are singing in the trees, as butterflies flutter over the flowers.

I hold out my hand as one moves closer to me. it's breathtaking. The butterfly rests in my open palm its wings are bigger than my hand with an assortment of colors pulsing and changing.

The sound of beating wings, brings my attention back to my surroundings, to find the space I occupy is engulfed by a large variety of butterflies big and small, it's like something from a dream.

I notice Aiden approaching me, I look over at him beaming, holding out my hands with the big butterfly still happily perched in my palm. He stills, a look of shock covers his face. My smile leaves me replaced with concern.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing's wrong per-say it's more to the point of, how are you using creature magic?" he speculates.

"I'm what?" I gasp.

"You're surrounded by butterflies and you have a Starlite butterfly the rarest of them all, perched in your hand, there is no other explanation." Aiden answers.

"Wow a Starlite butterfly?" I ask mesmerized.

"Yes." Aiden replies.

"Why are they so rare?" I ask, examining the exquisite colors pulsing and shimmering through its incredible wings.

"I don't know for sure, no one does, there are a lot of stories about them, like you, they are a magnificent mystery." he says with a flirtatious smile. I smile back then remember what we were just talking about.

"Wait a minute you were just saying I was using creature magic!" I exclaim.

"But I thought this was you, like what you did when we were children." I say confused.

"No Bree, I'm not doing this, you are." he corrects.

"Then if I'm using your magic doesn't that mean you can use mine?" I say a little excited.

"I don't think so, it's unheard of for magic to be shared but then again light magic has very few things known about it except by those who wield it, not to mention it's never been bonded with another type of magic before either." he declares.

"It could be that you have taken a bit of my magic or maybe you can imitate it now." he says thoughtfully stroking his chin.

"It's not like I can call for a dagger and expect it to appear in my hand like you do." he says holding his hand out acting out my calling a dagger.

"Well then what do you call that?" I say eyeing the dagger that is now in his hand, I smile broadly showing my teeth.

"I knew it. Our magic has become one!" I squeal.

"It must be the bond." Aiden says analyzing the dagger, in shock.

"If this is the bond then why didn't this happen when it was first made?" I ask confused.

"I don't believe a bond like this can be made as children, I think as our bond grows so do our abilities, like I said before, we don't know what light magic is capable of and bonds are rare let alone a light magic bond." Aiden says still examining the blade in his hand.

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