1.Yellow Eyes

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Flashes of bright colors ricochet around the room, blues and purples collide, the clink, as weapons clash, and bodies intertwine in the heat of battle.

Hate burning all around me, I can't control my body, I'm face to face with a man in his early thirties, tall, with short, shaggy black hair.

Our swords are crossed, and I'm holding him back with everything I have. I can feel his strength as his well-built body bears down on me. My hands are starting to shake under the strain, his deep blue eyes staring at me with a burning hatred.

"I vow I'll destroy everything you love for what you did!" he snarls.

I get a boost of strength, fury burning in me, and I start pushing him.

A fire is set inside me now.

"What I have done!" I bellow in a familiar voice, but not my own.

"Your side started all this!" he snaps venomously.

"I want her back! And I'll go through every one of you if I have to!" I yell back.

My phone buzzes on the bathroom countertop. I shake my head bringing myself back to reality. What was that? It felt so real. My heart is racing, and my hands are shaking as I pick up my phone. It's a text from my sister Mia.

Mia: We are here, can't wait to see you. X

I flick a quick text back.

Bree: Just finished taking a shower I'll be there soon, can't wait to see you, too. X

I feel awake and refreshed from my morning shower. My heart is still pounding. I wish I could blame my morning fitness class, but I know it's because of what just happened.

I look in the mirror and inspect my reflection. My long, dark, brown hair is doing what I tell it to for a change, and is sitting nicely. My waves cascade over my shoulders and down my back. I notice my eyes are a brighter lavender than usual.

The new black top I just got hugs my hourglass curves nicely, and the jeans I selected are a snug fit. I put my phone, keys, and card into my pocket and sit on the bed. As I start putting on my brown boots, my phone buzzes in my pocket. It's Mia again.

Mia: Hurry up I know snails that move faster than you! It's a nice day and you are getting out of that damn apartment! RIGHT NOW!

I roll my eyes, exasperated, as I read her message.

Bree: Yes mum.

Mia: Don't give me that, I'm not letting you bail on us again!

Bree: I'm not bailing, I was showering! Sheesh! I'm leaving now.

Mia: Good, now move it before I come to get you myself!

I shake my head, smiling as I slide my phone back into the pocket of my jeans. I finish putting on my boots, and rush out the door to meet her, as I'm not inclined to let her grill me anymore on my time management.

We have arranged to meet in the park today, so my niece Mira and nephew Chris can play, and Mia and I can catch up. I haven't seen her much these days since I quit my P.A job due to.... Let's just say, unappreciated attention. If it wasn't for Tom being in the right place at the right time, I don't want to think about what could have happened.

That happened two months ago, and now I'm not sure what I want to do. Mia has been my best supporter ever since I can remember. That's not saying much, since I don't remember anything from before I was twelve, but she is my world. If it wasn't for her, I don't believe I would have any reason to stay here.

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