15. Betrail

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"Thank you, if not for the warning, I doubt there would be as many of us left as there is." I say, she lowers her head onto her two front paws.

"Not as many as I'd hoped." she sighs.

"Aren't you upset about your pack?" I ask.

"That was not my pack, I don't have one, I've been following you since you came up into the valley." she replies.

"You could have attacked us at any time." I say, a little shocked.

"Yes, I guess I could have, if that was my intension, but you do have some good men, that should bring you some comfort." she replies.

"If we are to be together, I would prefer it if you had a name." I say, she thinks for a moment.

"Rei, call me Rei." she answers.

"That's a beautiful name." I comment.

Aiden looks at Rei and I, still standing by like a bodyguard, I'm sure to intervene if Rei decided to hurt me, but I'm sure Aiden feels it too, that Rei wouldn't hurt us.

"Ok, Rei we are going to have to get you on one of our Andocrits to transport you, it will be a big journey but I promise to stay with you the whole time and manage your pain along the way." I say, Aiden's crossed arms fly to his sides clenching into fists.

"You are traveling with me." he says, through clenched teeth.

"I can't just leave her to someone else, they won't even understand why Rei is with us, let alone why we are helping an Akuma, come on Aiden, you know it's the only way this will work." I answer.

Aiden looks at Rei with a fierce look, then turns and storms off, I look back to Rei after I can no longer see Aiden.

"I'm sorry." I offer.

"It's quite all right child, I understand. Please don't be upset, he just wants you safe that's all, I can see how much he loves you." a smile dances across my lips.

"I know he does and no less than I love him, but he needs to trust me as I trust him." I sigh.

"Oh, but trusting you in a situation that puts his desire to protect you at risk is a very hard thing to ask of any man. A war is waging in him right now, please don't push him, I can travel beside you, we can stop if we must, but I do think its best if you put him at ease first." Rei replies.

"No, Bree travels with you." we both snap our heads in his direction, where Aiden is standing, Logan at his side.

"I appreciate your words, but I do trust Bree above all, it's you I don't trust, I know Bree is right, no one would be calm with you or know the healing she does nor do they understand you, and the Andocrit will not carry you without her, but mark my words, you breath on her in a way I don't like I'll have you calved up and on the next fire that I see." Aiden announces.

I know he's right, they're all the reasons I said what I did, my heart swells that he trusts me even though it hurts him that my safety is at risk.

Logan doesn't ask questions, not that he says anything in the first place, he simply pushes the wind under Rei and lifts her onto the Andocrits back where a box-like saddle sits.

"Roxy made it up, it will be more comfortable for it to travel." Aiden informs me.

"Her name is Rei," I say annoyed.

"IT is lucky, IT is not dead," he retorts, I sigh as I climb up to sit behind Rei.

"No matter child." Rei says, moving to curl herself around me.

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