Chapter 28: Goodbye Gale

Start from the beginning


She went downstairs and I greeted her dad who was watching something on the television.

"Take care of yourself okay." Kayra said when we were outside."Forget about whatever happened today. Call me when you get home."

"Actually, Gale said he was waiting for me at my house to 'explain'."

"Are you ready to listen to him?"

"Yeah, I've made up my mind about him already anyway. I'm just going to let him say what he wants to say and tell him to leave."

"Alright,then call me when he leaves okay?"



"Thank you"

"I'm your best friend remember. You're not supposed to thank me." She winked

"Okay okay",we both laughed. "I'll talk to you later."



When I got home, Gale was sitting on the front porch steps with his head bowed. When he heard my footsteps,he raised his head and immediately got up when he saw me.

"I'm here now,what do you want?" I tried to act as indifferent as I could but the truth was I was crumbling inside. The mere sight of him made me want to just fall on the grass and cry. Yes,I was broken. He had broken me.

"Stephanie, please. I want to tell you what actually happened between me and Lesley."

"Okay,go on", I shrugged

"It happened last Christmas."

He hid this from me this long? Wow

Really, Stephanie,the girl has given birth. How long did you think it was,two months? Of course,it's this long.

"When you went with your mom to visit your grandparents so you weren't in town." He looked at me expecting me to nod or something but I did nothing so he just continued. "One of our school mates threw a party and I went. Lesley was there,she asked for a dance and since I was the only one who went,I didn't mind. She made me drink with her after that and I got drunk after a while. She helped me to a room and started to kiss me when we were alone in the room. I wasn't thinking straight and I kissed her back. Things became heated,one thing led to another and I had sex with her, unprotected of course. Two months later,I had forgotten about the incident when she told me she was pregnant. She said she wasn't ready for an abortion so she was going to have the baby and I would have to accept responsibility. I wasn't a fool, I agreed to take responsibility especially since our families got involved. She was able to hide the pregnancy throughout because her bump wasn't so big and she wore baggy clothes to cover it. She finally gave birth prematurely during the summer and well,he laughed,a dry and forced laugh,I became a father. Since then,I had been supporting her and our baby girl with a little money I had and some baby supplies."

I felt a string in my heart pull when he said "our baby girl".

"When you asked why I had changed and why I was becoming busier,that was the reason. I either had to go and get supplies or to meet Lesley and Emily."

Oh so that's the baby's name.

"I just couldn't tell you because I didn't know how you would react. I'm sorry, Stephanie. I really am."

I gathered all the strength I had left and said,"are you done?"

"Stephanie,that night was a mistake. I regret it so much,I wish I could go back in time to make sure it never happened"

"But you can't,you slept with her Gale. You got her pregnant and you can't undo what you've done. You know what hurts me even more? You never once did you think you should tell me. You never thought of how I would feel if I found out."

"I'm sorry, Stephanie. I'm really sorry,I never meant for all this to happen."

"Yeah, neither did I. And I'm sorry too. I can't be with you anymore. I'm sorry Gale,but you're free now. You can go to your daughter and her mother,do whatever you want. I don't give a fuck."

"Stephanie please. You can't break up with me. I love you."

"Love? Where's the love? Tell me huh? You cheated on me and you weren't man enough to tell me,even if it happened when you were not in a conscious state. I can never trust you again. So that's it,our relationship is over Gale,and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm sorry",my eyes were brimming and if I continued to stand there and look into his pleading eyes, I would cry in front of him, and eventually forgive him. But no,I couldn't forgive him,he had hurt me too much to deserve my forgiveness.

"Stephanie, please..."

"Goodbye Gale",I cut him off and ran inside, leaving him to think of he's actions and how they've led to him losing me,if he hadn't regretted already.

"Stephanie,what's wrong?" My mom asked when I entered the house in tears. I ran into her arms and told her everything. She was furious with Gale but I told her it was okay.

She made me a cup of tea because I told her I wasn't hungry. I emptied the cup and cried my self to sleep.

Meeting Gale, falling in love with him,and even being in a relationship with him,was the best thing that ever happened to me,the most beautiful thing that happened to me,I was happy but now it was all over,he had broken my heart and I allowed him to by giving my heart to him.

All I can do now is cry.


Okay,that was sad. Gale and Stephanie's ship has sunk😥💔

Hopefully,it gets better🤧

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Thanks for reading

Love y'all xxx


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