♫| Preface

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I find it fascinating in fact, that many people have trouble letting go. It's a habit we can't break. People believe the theorem as simple tasks you could just do; yet it takes longer than expected to actually follow through. It's a part of life; a part of growing up, a part of change. But some people get dragged back from the weight of it all. Many fear the whole idea on its own - and yet it happens more times than we can count. For the past few months, I've been surrounded with nothing but support, and positive vibes. Eventually leading toward new friendships, memories, and lovers. I wrote Judy for numerous reasons. One; to change my perspective and try to expand my creative flow to newer undiscovered areas, creating a challenging new obstacle course of sorts where I could improve. No thanks to my minimalistic effort towards reading of course. The second reason I wrote Judy, was to thank a few people. 

 The first person I want to thank surprisingly is God. Not every day I get a chance to talk to the Man Upstairs, but knowing that I wake up every day, starting new journeys, making choices and decisions to open new doors really gives me the bigger picture. So thank you, for waking me up at 8:46 AM in my briefs, with a half drooled pillow. The next person I would like to thank is a fellow writer of mine in an old community we hung out at. From the start, you've been my ride or die, my sidekick and true friend. Every day with you is an adventure, and every adventure is a story worth telling. So thank you, for being with me, every step of the way, expanding me, and my universe for future generations. I would like to thank the friends I made in the various writing communities for making a simple dream come into fruition; I would like to thank my family; my mother, who mainly sparked my creativity in the first place. My father, for giving me the tools I need to fight the scary world called life as the young man I grow to be. I also want to thank my sister, for making every day a challenge. Proving to myself that no matter what gets thrown at me, I can overcome it. I'd love to thank my uncle, for motivating me to finish this book, (even though you got yours done before mine), all the little chitchats we had were worth noting and I appreciate all your energy and brilliant thoughts on love, life and happiness. 

There's actually a third reason I wrote this book. I wrote Judy, to mourn the loss of a good friend of mine. Hailey was a brilliant writer, thinker, and motivator, pushing me to do my best, even if I was tired as all hell. Thank you for crafting this story and giving me the chance to spread it to the world. With that in mind, this copy of Judy comes with a link, which will lead to a custom made Spotify playlist entitled "Jerry's Tuesday Tunes". If you would like the full experience and really get into the minds, hearts and lives of my characters please play the song that is provided on each chapter. Trust me. All copies that don't come with the link should head on over to my website and purchase the pdf (with playlist included) and read it on the go.Judy can be found on my official webpage, Wattpad, and coming soon to Amazon. With that out of the way, please enjoy my story.

I dedicate this book though, to anyone and everyone out there struggling. Life is hard and unfortunately we have to let things go. The process is painful and the adaptation is rough. In the end, we must learn to take all slip ups as learning experiences.

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