Chapter IX

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"The Girl is Mine"


Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney

The night was young and yet, it felt old and used. The two girls were sleeping away their cravings and earned their well-deserved rest. The ride back from Montgomery's was a rather long one, due to some idiots not having the proper knowledge of driver safety, and well, Sunday nights are heavy on traffic for some reason. I really couldn't explain how or why, but it just was, so I let it be. After a few turns, straights and a few more turns, home was close at hand. I carefully pulled into the garage and tried not to turn on any of the lights, hoping not to wake my family. I first carried Rosie into her room, I held her like a newborn baby. But trying to do that with a nineteen year old girl was easier said than done.

I soon plopped her into bed, gave her a cheek kiss and closed the door behind her. Next was Charlotte; but on my way downstairs to retrieve my wife however, I tripped over Rosalie's book bag, somehow activating her phone. On it was a few missed calls from someone named Sarah. I was about to brush it off until I noticed a text by Sarah reading 'you're dead bitch. Tomorrow morning, I'll show you why you don't mess with my boyfriend.'

Again, I was going to brush it off, until I remembered that Rosalie's told me that Chris and Sarah had been hanging out a lot over the past few days. I didn't want to peer into Rosie's business, and I didn't want to open the already wide wound that was her life, school issues and things like that. So, I headed back into the garage and retrieved Charlotte from my car and placed her on the couch. I sat down beside Charlotte as I began flicking through the channels on the living room television, just wondering what tonight entertainment is would be. Surprisingly, not many shows, movies and news networks struck my interest. It was around 10:48 pm and just decided to watch Marley & Me because I didn't want to spend all night finding one thing.My wife soon cuddled near me as I began drifting to sleep. "Is the movie over yet?" she mumbled, eyes closed.

"No, not yet; not that I know of, why?"

She began yawning as she got up and headed for the kitchen. A nice cold glass of water soon filled my empty hand as Charlotte walked back around and clinked hers to mine. "You know," she started, weakly. " That talent show's coming up, you should let Rosie go."

"As in participate in it or jut go as in watch?" Was my response.

"Go as in participate, silly! You know how good she is, right?"

"Yeah," I laughed, recalling to those times where Rosie would sing random songs to us just for the heck of it. I sighed and looked at Charlotte. "But what will she sing?"

Charlotte thought for a bit, "Well she's not capable of high range vocals--"

I interrupted her. "I think it would be best if she decides. That is if she even wants to go."

"Enough music talk, I'mma sleep comfortably on my bed; you can join me if you want."

"Music talk? Music is one of the reasons you married me!" I beckoned.

"Good night."

I soon stopped her in fear of what I'd discovered in Rosie's phone. "Do you really think Chris is good for Rosalie?" She groaned and rubbed her eyes.

"Not now hon." I turned off the TV and headed into the bedroom with her. She was in the bathroom freshening up.

"I mean, I'm no expert but this seems like something we should look into, right?"

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