Ch 65- The magical 7

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Ok first things first! I want to give a shoutout to @BDE_daddy24 and @randomgirlfromvenus 

Thank u guys so much for following me, I really appreciate ur support!

Now on with the chapter...


I just realized......

7 Books

7 Years of school

7 Horcruxes

7 Weasley children

The 7 Potters

7 Players in quidditch 

700 Fouls in quidditch 

7 Floors at Hogwarts

7 Tasks in Philosopher's stone

7 secret passages to Hogsmeade

7 is Harry's quidditch number

Zabini's mother had married 7 times

7 Prisoners in Malfoy Manor

7 Locks on Moddy's trunk

7 Registered animagi in 20th century

Harry and Ron both got 7 owls

Gryffindor common room is on the 7th floor

Lily and James began dating in 7th year

7 Snakes on the door of Chamber of Secrets

Dumbledore puts out 7 lights in Privet drive

Harry and Neville are born in the 7th month

Voldemort tried and failed to kill Harry 7 times

Do u know what that means? Guys, 7 is a magical number!! It's hidden at so many places throughout the Hp series! Coincidence? I say not!

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